Rasiwak Shrine is on the northern end of the North Akkala Beach, northeast of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab.

Shrine Location
Rasiwak Shrine is at 3780, -2121, 0251, northeast of the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, at the northern end of the North Akkala Beach.
Flotational Brilliance
Attach the floating sphere to the top of the stone slab, then cut, shoot, or burn the rope that is holding the stone slab up. The slab will float because of the floating sphere attached to the top. (You can also attach the sphere after cutting the rope.) Walk across the stone slab to reach the other side.
Detach the floating sphere from the stone slab, then attach it to the underside of the stone slab up ahead. Wait for the slab to stop bouncing, then walk up it to the other side.
There is a stone slab up ahead, but if you put it into the water, it will sink to the bottom. Attach the two floating spheres to the top of the stone slab, then put it into the water and it will float. Attach the fan to the back and stand on the stone slab, and hit it to start the fan. When you are part of the way across, hit the fan to stop it, then cut, shoot, or burn the rope that is holding the treasure chest above the water on the side. Use Ultrahand to move the treasure chest onto the boat, and open it to get a Magic Scepter.
Then hit the fan to start it again and reach the other side. Take your boat out of the water and drop it on the floor switch to activate it and open the bars. (Make sure not to remove the spheres. The stone slab by itself is not heavy enough.) Go through and check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.