Nouda Shrine is located in the Kopeeki Drifts Cave, southwest of the Snowfield Stable.

Shrine Location
Nouda Shrine is located at -2318, 2201, 0173 in the Kopeeki Drifts Cave, southwest of the Snowfield Stable.
Proving Grounds: Intermediate
Take the weapons from the rack near the entrance. There is a Construct to the right that can easily see you, so try to shoot it. Then try to sneak over to where the Construct was and take the fire fruits from there.
In the corner of the room, there are some short stone columns, and there is a rock nearby. Fuse the rock to a weapon and break down the stone columns to find a rock and a traveler's claymore.
From there, sneak over to the column just past the propeller, then shoot a fire fruit at the dry leaves that a Construct is standing on. Then try to sneak to where it was and take the shock fruits.
Stand on the propeller and throw a shock fruit at the battery nearby. Then glide up on the updraft from the propeller (it may take a moment before it turns on) and defeat the nearest Construct on the metal platform. Land on the platform, then defeat the other Construct on this platform.
Then shoot the two Constructs on the level beneath this one, starting with the weaker one that only has one red beam of light. Shoot the one near the gate down below, then defeat the Captain Construct.
After you defeat all the Constructs, the gate opens. Go through and open the chest to get a Hearty Elixir. Then check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.