Mount Dunsel Cave is northeast of Lurelin Village and north of Gama Cove.

Cave Location
Mount Dunsel Cave can be reached by going northeast from Lurelin Village. It is north of Gama Cove. It has entrances at 3225, -3014, 0064 and 3290, -3304, 0066.
Cave Features
The southern entrance of the cave can be reached by swimming or using Zonai devices or other methods to get past the water and enter the cave. From the southern entrance of the cave, go through the tunnel and cut or burn the vines in the way. Beyond the vines, you will find a Horriblin. After the Horriblin, there are vines to the left and right. Cut the vines on the right and open the chest to get a bow.
Go through the vines across from the chest and you will go down a slope that has a small pond next to it. Beyond that, there are some Shock Likes. In the area with the Shock Likes, look at the west wall to find a wall of vines. Cut them down and go through to find this cave's Bubbulfrog.
Go back to the area where the Shock Likes were, and go north. The path goes west, to where there is a pool of water next to a ledge with a Stalkoblin. Near the Stalkoblin, there is a wooden board that you can place in the water to allow you to use Ascend to reach the ledge above. There you will find a chest that contains a shield.
From there, go west to find a passage with a Rock Like (use Recall on the third rock that it spits out to destroy its armor). Keep going west, defeating another Rock Like, to find Bamitok Shrine.
If you go back to the pool of water where you stood on a wooden board and used Ascend, you can go north to find some water. If you continue going north in the water, you find a partially submerged wall of broken boulders in the north wall. Break through the wall of boulders to find some ore deposits.
Use Ascend from the area with the ore deposits and you will find Horriblins. You can then go northwest from there to find the northern exit of the cave.