The Makurukis Shrine can be found near the Tabantha Bridge Stable in the Hyrule Ridge region.

Shrine Location
Makurukis Shrine is located at -2847, 0629, 0233, which is near Tabantha Bridge Stable in the Hyrule Ridge region.
Combat Training: Archery
If you need a bow and some arrows, there are some to the left of the base of the stairs.
Shoot the Construct and aim for the head. It will also shoot arrows at you, and if it gets close to you, it will swing its sword at you, so keep moving.
After you successfully hit the first Construct in the head, two more Constructs appear. Hit each of these new Constructs in the head, and hit the third one in the head as well. This will complete the shrine. Pick up the items that the enemies dropped, then go through the gate that opened. Open the chest to get a Strong Construct Bow.
Check on the glowing object at the end of the shrine to get a Light of Blessing.