Kudanisar Shrine is in the Gerudo Desert, northwest of the North Gerudo Ruins and northeast of the West Gerudo Ruins.

Shrine Location
Kudanisar Shrine is located at -4159, -2145, 0048 in the Gerudo Desert. It can be found northeast of the West Gerudo Ruins and northwest of the North Gerudo Ruins. It is in a river of quicksand and surrounded by Soldier Constructs. You can attach a fan and steering stick to a sled to reach it, or use a sand seal, for example.
Bridging the Sands
Take the vertical wooden board and attach it to the nearest board that moves across the sand, then attach it to the farthest wooden board. Use this to go across to the safe area in the corner, then use it as a ramp to go over the fence to the next area.
In this area, take another wooden board and attach it to the three that you used to go over the fence. Use these four boards to go across to the ladder, but be careful of the Soldier Construct that is hidden behind the vertical board.
Go up the ladder, then use some boards to make a ramp down to the area with two sleds with fans and steering sticks attached. Check on the controls of one of these sleds, then go to the left, where there is a treasure chest on a rope in the corner. Try to stop your sled on the raised area near the treasure chest. Then shoot an arrow at the rope holding the treasure chest, and use Ultrahand to grab the chest before it can get away. It contains 10 arrows.
There is another chest in the opposite corner of the large area. Use a sled to go there, and stop the sled such that it will be pushed against the raised area and won't get pushed away. Take the vertical board and rotate it so you can attach it at an angle to the horizontal board and walk up it as a ramp. Defeat the Construct at the top, then open the chest to get a Hasty Elixir.
If you still have your sled, ride it back to the area that has the gate blocking the path to the end of the shrine. If not, put the two attached wooden boards where they will move along the sand, and stand on them to go to the gate blocking the way to the end of the shrine.
In that area, step on the switch to launch an orb to the far area. Use a sled to go where it went, and use Ascend to reach the ledge there. Defeat the two Constructs, then go down into the lower area and attach the orb to a sled. Step on the switch to open the bars, then put the sled in the sand and check on the controls. Take the sled to the ramp that you put on the stairs leading up to the gate to the end of the shrine. Detach the orb and carry it up the ramp, then put it into the floor switch to open the gate. Go to the end of the shrine and check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.