Karahatag Shrine can be found south of Gerudo Town, at the Southern Oasis.

Shrine Location
Karahatag Shrine is located at -3726, -3625, 0043, south of Gerudo Town, at the Southern Oasis.
Drifting Flame
Use Ultrahand to pick up the torch and light it, then use it to light the end of the pointed stone structure that is hanging down. The bars will open. Go through.
In the next area, there is a treasure chest beneath the ledge that has the glowing floor switch on it. Glide down to the chest and open it to get a Mighty Construct Bow. Then use Ascend to get back on top of the ledge.
Take the torch from earlier and place it on the ledge with the glowing floor switch. Try stepping on the floor switch and you will see that the platform moves downward, and also that three stone torches come down from the three stone objects that hang from above.
Hold it with Ultrahand and light it at the stone torch near the bars, then rotate it to point upright, and move it onto the middle of each of the three squares beneath the three stone objects hanging from above, then move the torch near the floor switch. Stand on the floor switch and use Recall on the torch, and it will move beneath each of the stone torches that come down when you step on the floor switch. This will open the bars. (You don't need to light all three torches at the same time. They stay lit even when they go back up.) Go through and check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.