Goronbi River Cave is southwest of Goron City, just west of the southern end of the hot spring river.

Cave Location
Goronbi River Cave is located at 1421, 2103, 0286, which is southwest of Goron City, just west of the southern end of the hot spring river.
Cave Features
There is magma in the cave, so be sure to equip Flamebreaker armor, or use Fireproof Elixir.
There is a Horriblin guarding the entrance to the cave.
Farther in, you find platforms of cooled lava floating along. Go across one to reach the treasure chest on the other side.
Then stand on a platform and use Recall on it to go farther into the cave. When you reach a short lavafall, go to the side of the room, where there are some ore deposits. Look for the small tunnel partway up the wall of this area. Climb up and go through the tunnel to find this cave's Bubbulfrog.
Go back through the small tunnel to the lava area, and go onto the bridge over the lava. Stand on another lava platform and use Recall on it, and you can jump off to the area where there is a Fire Like. Defeat the Fire Like, then stand on a lava platform that has gone past the thin lavafalls.
The lava platform will take you to an area of solid ground farther in the cave. There is a tunnel above a piece of stone. Go through the tunnel to find one of Misko's treasures: the Ember Shirt. This opens the stone door nearby. Go through and read the stone to start the quest Misko's Treasure of Awakening I.