Domizuin Shrine is located on top of the Akkala Citadel Ruins Summit, north of the South Akkala Plains Chasm.

Shrine Location
Domizuin Shrine is at 3305, 1443, 0426, at the top of the Akkala Citadel Ruins, which are north of the South Akkala Plains Chasm.
A Prone Pathway
Go to the end of the ledge and use Ascend to go to the area above. Then hit the glowing switch to rotate the room ahead. Go into the rotating room and hit the switch three times. This will move the treasure chest beneath you so you can open it. It contains 10 arrows.
Then stand next to the glowing switch inside of the rotating room, and shoot the other glowing switch. This will rotate the room so that there is a hole to the left. Drop down onto the ledge below that hole, then go up the ladder and open the chest to get a Zonai Charge.
Use Ascend to get back into the rotating room. Hit the switch three times, then look for the treasure chest that is sideways. Before you can open it, you have to hit the switch again, then run next to the treasure chest so that you end up on top of the platform that it's on. Open it to get a random Zonaite Shield.
Next, since the room has been rotated to no longer have an opening pointing at the first glowing switch, rotate the room to have a hole in the floor on the side with the first glowing switch. Fall through that hole and glide down to where you first Ascended to reach the first glowing switch. Use that first switch to rotate the room until there is an opening that you can walk into.
Then look for the corner of the rotating room that has a long stone column in one corner. Rotate the room so that this column is hanging from the ceiling and you can Ascend to the top of it so that you are standing on top of the rotating room. From there, you can go to the dragon ring. Check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.