Quince got separated from his friends and Gerudo Canyon and asks you to help look for them.

Quest Location
Talk to Quince at Gerudo Canyon Pass (just south of Digdogg Suspension Bridge) to start the quest.
Friend Locations
Giro can be found at -1894, -2355, -0001. You will need a Splash Fruit to help him.
Garill can be found at -2196, -1866, 0152. You will need a Spicy Pepper to help him.
Botrick can be found in Stalry Plateau Cave, just southeast of the quest location on the map. He is hiding behind a rock in the cave. You will need to defeat two Fire-Breath Lizalfos after you talk to him.
Quest Reward
After you find the three friends, go back to the quest location on the map and talk to Quince. He gives you 10 Bomb Flowers.