Deepback Bay Cave is east of Hateno Village, in the northern part of the Necluda Sea in East Necluda.

Cave Location
Deepback Bay Cave is located at 4208, -2276, 0001, which is east of Hateno Village, in the northern part of the Necluda Sea in East Necluda. To reach it, you can glide east from Hateno Ancient Tech Lab. The entrance is on the west side of Deepback Bay.
Cave Features
As you make your way into the cave, you encounter two Horriblins.
Beyond that, you will see a shrine, but it is underwater, so you can't unlock it.
Instead, glide down one of the holes in the floor. You will find a Like Like on the ceiling in this area. Defeat it, then destroy the boulders in the ceiling near where it was. This will drain the water above, killing any Horriblins that are in this area. Use Ascend to go up to the shrine and open it. This is Anedamimik Shrine.
Behind the shrine, there is a tunnel that leads to this cave's Bubbulfrog.