Boné Pond East Cave can be found southwest of Upland Zorana Skyview Tower, just east of Boné Pond.

Cave Location
Boné Pond East Cave is located at 2184, 0142, 0038 in the Lanayru Wetlands, southwest of Upland Zorana Skyview Tower, northeast of Boné Pond, southeast of where the road splits in three directions. It has another entrance at 2250, 0010, 0019.
Cave Features
There is a Horriblin near the entrance, and another one farther inside of the cave. To the left, there is a wall of boulders that you can break down to find a bone where you can use Ascend, but before you do, look up and you will find the cave's Bubbulfrog. Before you use Ascend, you can defeat the Rock Like up ahead by using Recall on the third rock that it spits out, which will break its armor. If you continue along this path, you will reach another exit from the cave, at 2250, 0010, 0019.
Back at the bone that you revealed behind the boulders, use Ascend and you will find a group of Bokoblins and a Boss Bokoblin. Defeat them and you can lift the cage to free Hino. He will give you some food in thanks.
After you pick up everything that the monsters dropped and open their treasure chest and break the ore deposits, go back to the bone in the wall and use Ascend on it to reach Maoikes Shrine.