You reach the security room if you go by the following path: Magenta, Ally, Green, Ally.
Collect Items
To the left of the green chair, there is a door below a triangular yellow label. Tap it to open it, then tap all of the nine switches to turn the monitors on.
Make a note of the colors of the stairs behind the yellow chair.
Go up the stairs to the back area of the room.
Get the hourglasses from the cubbyholes in the wall to the right of the locked exit door. The red one says 4, and the yellow one says 11.
Press the lion switch to turn off the lights. Make a note of the triangle patterns in the cubby holes.
Go back to the computer area and look at the stairs. Make a note of the
codes on each step:
magenta = ZYKGLPE
cyan = TISG
yellow = SGDQNY
green = ADGB
blue = ESDMAS
Go back and turn the lights on.
The codes on the stairs match up with the computers based on the chair color. Enter the password TMJYUVGJ into the computer with the red chair.
Tap the hexagon icon on the monitor. This computer is on the same side of the wall that had the cubbyholes with pink hexagons and green triangles. You have to get the pattern on the screen to match that. Tap the two triangles in the middle, then the two middle hexagons.
Tap the new icon that appears on the screen. You see the phrase "WILL BE ME" on the screen above the red chair computer.
Go to the green chair and enter the password from the stairs: ADGB. Then tap the hexagon icon on the screen. This computer is on the same wall as the cubbyholes with the green hexagons and pink triangles. Just tap the four pink hexagons to solve this.
Tap the new icon that appears on the screen. You see the phrase "I WAS YOU." on the screen above the green chair computer.
Go over to the yellow chair and type the yellow stair's password into the computer. SGDQNY.
Measure Hourglasses
Tap the hourglass in the corner. You have to figure out how many seconds each hourglass can hold. You already know the red and yellow ones because you found a red hourglass in the cubbyhole that said 4 seconds and a yellow hourglass that said 11 seconds.
To figure out the others, tap the hourglasses to turn them over. Press the play button to start the sand. All of the hourglasses will stop as soon as one of the hourglasses is empty.
So for example, if you flip over the red and the yellow hourglasses and press play, the red one will become empty, and the yellow one will have 7 in it because it stopped after the red (four second) hourglass became empty. So 11 - 4 = 7.
The key to figuring out the amounts is to make sure that the smallest hourglass flipped over contains a known amount of sand. That way, whenever you press play, you know exactly how much was subtracted. It also helps to have a larger hourglass with a known value also flipped over. Once your smaller one is empty, you will still know how much the larger one contains, because you subtracted the known small amount.
For example:
- Flip over the red, green, and yellow hourglasses. Press play.
- You have just subtracted 4, so you know that the yellow hourglass contains 5. The green one contains an unknown amount.
- Flip over the red hourglass again and press play. The yellow hourglass now contains 1 because it had contained 5, and you just subtracted 4. The green one contains an unknown amount.
- Press play again. You have just subtracted 1, and the green hourglass is also empty. How much did you subtract? 4 minus 4 minus 1. That means that the green hourglass contains 4+4+1 = 9.
If you repeat this process for the other unknown hourglasses, you get:
red = 4, blue = 7, green = 9, yellow = 11, magenta = 15.
Enter 0407091115 into the number area.
If you haven't looked at the nine security monitors above the yellow chair, do that now. Then look back down at the monitor in front of the chair and tap the icon that appeared on the screen after you solved the hourglass puzzle. The nine monitors will show some words.
Get a Safe Password
There is a hint that says you need to erase some of the words.
To do that, go over to the control panel where you switched on the monitors.
You need to recreate the phrases "I WAS YOU" and "WILL BE ME."
The words that you don't need
are in the corner of the screen, so on the control panel, flip the
switches to turn off the corner words, like this:
Now go back and tap the screen in front of the yellow chair. Move the words
so they say
This gives you a safe password. Look at the nine monitors to get it.
Get another Safe Password
There is a hint that says you need to erase some of the words.
To do that, go over to the control panel where you switched on the monitors.
The words that didn't fit into "I WAS YOU" and "WILL BE ME" were
"SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING." Go back to the control panel and flip the switches
so only those three words are on, like this:
Now go back and tap the screen in front of the yellow chair. Move the words so they say, from left to right, "She knows everything." This gives you another safe password. Look at the nine monitors to get it.
After the Escape
After escaping from the security room, you will encounter a lock situation. To get past this lock, you have to use the flow chart to go on other branches. See the lock guide for more information. After that, you must pick ally or betray.