After you reach the Elves' Haven, Rambard accompanies you on a journey through Treant's Forest.

How to Reach Treant's Forest
After you meet Edward, you can go to Alvanista Castle to get permission to enter Ymir Forest. Read the Ymir Forest page for directions to the Elves' Haven and Treant's Forest.
Paths Through the Forest
Short Path
If you want to get the treasures in this forest, skip to the next section. If you do not want to get the treasures from this forest, then from the save point at the entrance, go north three times, east, north, northeast, east twice, south twice, southeast, and finally east. After the scene, you can check behind the obelisk for Elven Boots.
To get out of the forest from the obelisk, go west twice, north twice, west three times, south, west, and south four times.
Get the Gorgon Amulet
There are enemies in the forest that have a chance of petrifying Cless/Cress and the others. However, there is a Gorgon Amulet hidden in the forest that prevents petrification for whoever has it equipped. It is strongly recommended to buy some Holy Bottles in the Elven Village and then go directly to the Gorgon Amulet in the forest, then equip it on Cless/Cress, then collect all the treasure in the forest afterward. You won't be able to return to the forest for a long time after you get the rings repaired, so if you want the treasures, you have to get them now.
If you want to go directly to the Gorgon Amulet, first use a Holy Bottle, then from the save point at the entrance of the forest, go north three times, east twice, north twice, east twice, and south twice. In this area, go east until you reach a tree. Check under the tree to find a Gorgon Amulet, which you should equip on Cless/Cress now.
Get the Forest's Treasure
Then go northeast and then east to get a Protect Ring.
Go west twice, then north twice. Check the southeast part of this area to find a Protect Ring, Resist Ring, and Thief's Mantle. Then go east, then south, to find a Reverse Doll.
From there, go north, then west, then north. There is an Elixir hidden under the trees to the right.
Now go south, then west twice, then south twice. There is a Savory to the left (unless you picked it up on your way to the Gorgon Amulet). Go to the southwest part of this area to find an Armlet. Go to the southeast part of this area to find a Dark Bottle. Then go south to the next area.
There is a Spy Lens/Magic Lens hidden behind the rock to the right. Then go farther right to find a Mixed Gummy/Melange Gel. Go northeast to find a Steak, Thief's Mantle, and Rune Bottle. Then go west, then southeast, and east, to find a Medicine Bottle and Resist Ring.
From there, go west twice, then south to find a Life Bottle. Then go north twice, then west, then south to find a Verbena.
Go north, then west, and check the southeast of the area to find a Life Bottle. Then go west twice to find a Holy Rune and Black Onyx. Then go north to find an Apple Gummy/Apple Gel/Apple Gummi. Check the southeast part of the area to find a Battle Rune. Then check the northwest part of the area to find an Orange Gummy/Orange Gel/Orange Gummi. From there, go north to find a Holy Bottle.
Go south twice, then west. Go to the left to find a Savory. Then go north, then west, to find an Hourglass. Go east, then north, and go to the top of the area and check under the trees to the left to find a Moon Crystal. Then go north to find a Heavy Stone/Gravity Stone.
Go south three times and check the southwest part of the area to find an Armlet. Exit to the south to find a Charm Bottle. Then go north and check the southeast part of the area to find an Apple Gummy/Apple Gel/Apple Gummi.
Then exit southeast, then north, then east twice, then south. Go west to get some Veggies. Then go east and south, then west to get a Spy Lens/Magic Lens. Then you can go east and south to heal up in the village.
Go to the Obelisk
Then, from the save point in the entrance of the forest, go north three times, east, north, northeast, east twice, south twice, southeast, and finally east. There is a Resist Ring to the right of the save point.
Go north toward the obelisk to start a cutscene. After the scene, you can check behind the obelisk for Elven Boots.
After you leave the forest, you will not be able to return for a long time, so make sure that you don't leave the forest until you have gotten everything here that you want to get.
To get out of the forest from the obelisk, go west twice, north twice, west three times, south, west, and south four times.
Elven Village, part 2
In town, go south and watch the scene.
Lake of Ymir
After the cutscene, change your formation so that Mint is between Cless/Cress and Klarth/Claus, and Arche is above Mint. Then re-equip Arche with accessories.
From there, go south to the crossroads, then go east. When you can't go any farther east, go south. From the save point, go south. When the path splits, go south, then at the next split, go east, at the next split, go west, and finally go south and out of the lake.
You should now go northeast, then north, then west across the bridge, and go into Alvanista to heal up and buy supplies. Remember to sell the ?Weapons that you got from the Snake Men in the forest. They sell for 75 gold each.
Freland Desert and the New Continent
From Alvanista, go east and south, then east when you can, to find the dock to Freland. Go to Freland and go east past Olive Village, and go through the mountain pass to the east. Go northeast from the first oasis, then northwest from the second oasis, and finally north from the third oasis. Cross the two bridges and you will no longer be in the desert. Go northwest from there, and you will see a bridge to the west. Cross it, then cross the bridge just west of that, then make your way south to find a camp. Cless/Cress can learn a skill here. Then leave the camp and go north to those bridges. Cross them, then Go north until you encounter another river. Go north across that river, then go east into Midgard.
There is not much to do in Midgard right now. If you get too close to the castle gates (which will happen if you go directly east from where you entered), you will lose your royal crest of Alvanista, but you will get it back later. Unfortunately, you can't rest in the Midgard inn at the moment.
The Pharmacy is in the southeast, and the weapon shop is in the northeast. To the right of the weapon shop, there is a passage leading north. It goes to the second part of the city. The food shop is nearby, and the supplies store is above that. In an alley south of the supplies store, there is a man who will sell Cless/Cress a new skill for 18000 gold.
Go to Luna's Tower
Leave Midgard and go west until you reach the bridge. Go south across the bridge. Go slightly east and south to find a tower. This is your next destination, the Tower of the Twelve Stars.