After the events in Totus/Toltus/Totis, Cless/Cress seeks help from his uncle in Euclid.

When you are in control of Cless/Cress, check the door of the cell and the hole in the back wall. Wait for a while. When you hear someone, check the hole again, put your hand through, and go through the hole when it opens. Go left and check on the woman to take the sword. Equip it, then check on the door of the cell to open it.
Go north and east to get a food item from a cell, then go south and open the cell with the girl in it. Talk to her and she'll join you.
Mint's Skills
At first, Mint doesn't have any skills. After a battle she will learn First Aid. You can go to her skill menu to disable any of her skills that you don't want her to use, which can help conserve her TP. If you bought a Rod in Euclid, be sure to equip Mint with it.
Mint's Tactics/Strat
In the Super Famicom version, Mint's tactics are:
- Help Fighters - Use mostly offensive spells. Mint's offensive spells are not that useful, however, so you might not want to use this tactic often.
- Conserve TP - Use spells every once in a while. She will randomly use offensive and healing spells. Again, you might not want to use this tactic often because of the weakness of Mint's offensive spells.
- Value HP over TP - Mint will only use healing spells, at times when you need them. This is Mint's most useful tactic.
- Don't Cast Spells - This tactic is only useful if you want Mint to conserve all of her TP.
Jail, Part 2
Equip the Rod on Mint if you bought one in Euclid. (Depending on which version of the game you are playing, she may already have one equipped.) Then change her tactic/strat to one of the options that emphasizes healing (see above).
Leave the cell and go south and east, then north to the sewer grate. Check on it twice to open it.
Before you move on, here are more details about the food sack.
Food Sack
The food sack is available in the Super Famicom version of the game, but may not be available in other versions. Other versions may have the Cooking feature instead.
Right now, you can put 200 units of food into the food sack. You can check on the food sack capacity in the "Treasures" section of your Items menu. You will get larger food sacks later.
If you are hurt, you will automatically eat food from the food sack as you walk around outside of battle, until you are healed up or you run out of food. This is helpful for long trips and large dungeons. Be sure to fill your food sack often.
You can sort your inventory to put all food items at the top of the items list by selecting the apple icon above the items list. Do this when you are trying to fill your food sack.
When you get a food item, you can go to the items menu to check on how many units of food it gives you. If you put in food that is too large for the food sack, you will lose the extra points of food value.
It is best to keep large food items for later, when you have a bigger food sack.
Go west to find a chest (Apple Gummy/Apple Gel/Apple Gummi), then go north to find another chest (a different type of Gel). Go south again and cross the bridge to the west. From the save point, follow the path north, and when the path splits, go west first to find a chest. It contains the Wooden Shield. Be sure to equip it. Then go back and continue to the east.
Get the Apple Gummy/Apple Gel/Apple Gummi along the way.
When the path splits again, go east, north up the stairs, and south to find a chest that contains Savory. Savory is an herb that you may want to keep for later. Herbs permanently increase specific stats, and they are somewhat rare.
From here, go north, and stop at the crossroads. Go north to find a Rapier. You can equip it if you wish, but keep in mind that it is slightly less powerful at slicing than the longsword. It is stronger as a stabbing weapon.
From the Rapier, go south, then west, to reach the save point. Go west and north from the save point to find another chest (1,000 gold).
If Cless/Cress does not yet know the Dual Kick/Swallow Dance skill, you might want to walk around fighting monsters until you learn it. It is helpful in the next boss battle.
Set Mint's Tactic to Value HP over TP, and set Cless/Cress's skills to Dual Kick/Swallow Dance and Psion Bolt/Demonic Blade/Demon Fang.
Then return to the save point and go east and north to face the Sewer King/Spiny Devil.
Sewer King/Spiny Devil
First, use Psion Bolt/Demonic Blade/Demon Fang to attack the slugs. Then when the demon gets close enough to you, and is in the lower part of the screen, use Dual Kick/Swallow Dance on it repeatedly. Try not to let the demon get behind Mint. Just keep moving toward the left as the demon gets closer, and use L or R on Super Famicom, or Up+R to move Mint behind Cless/Cress if necessary. Stay as far away from the slugs as you can to avoid their slime attacks.
After the battle, go north and exit the sewer. When you are outside, go south.
Tornix/Trinicus's House
After the cutscene, leave Tornix/Trinicus's house and walk west.
After another cutscene, be sure to change your battle formation to put Chester behind Cless/Cress.
Go talk to the merchant at the front door. Buy a few Orange Gummys/Orange Gels/Orange Gummis. If you did not get the sword in Cless/Cress's house after Totus/Toltus/Totis was attacked, don't buy a sword now. Buy a Longbow. Don't buy Chain Mails, but otherwise upgrade Cless/Cress's armor (in the GBA version, press L to show who can equip each piece of gear).
Exit the house, and search around the westernmost trees to find a Heavy Stone/Gravity Stone. Then leave.
Now you can go back to Totus/Toltus/Totis to get a free weapon. Totus/Toltus/Totis is to the north. Just walk west around the mountains, then east and south when you have gone past the mountains. In Totus/Toltus/Totis, go upstairs in Cless/Cress's house to find a sword. It is a Knight's Sabre/Saber. It is better at slicing than at stabbing, and is fire-elemental.
Tornix/Trinicus's House, part 2
Rest at Tornix/Trinicus's house if you need to. The bed is upstairs. You can take your time to level up around this area if you wish.
When you are ready, go east from Tornix/Trinicus's house, and into the cave.
Go north, cross the bridge, and if you want a Mixed Gummy/Melange Gel, go north and fight the monster. Then go east and you will meet Tristan. He will teach you the Psion Kick/Demon Swallow Kick technique. Go north to enter the Mausoleum.