Find out how to reach Dhaos and defeat him once and for all in Tales of Phantasia.
Make sure to equip everyone with the best gear, using the "Best" option in the Equip menu, but make sure Arche is wearing the Dark Robe. Equip each of the spell casters with a Fairy Ring and a Mystical Rune. Equip Cless/Cress and Chester with a Battle Rune, and Cless/Cress with a Jade Ring.
Stock up on every healing item you can buy, including the special Gummies you get by using Rune Bottles.
Buy a lot of food. See below for a table of food that you use Rune Bottles on to improve. In particular, you should buy Twinkies, Apples, and Steak, and use Rune Bottles on them. Also, go to the Ninja Village and buy Tuna, which gives you 3000 food units. (You can also transform Mackerel into Tuna, but it is not cost effective).
Original Food | Transforms Into |
Apple | Japanese Apple |
Steak | Dragon Steak |
Twinkie | Butter |
If you have been holding on to herbs (Sage, Savory, Lavender, Verbena), they can be transformed into "Red" herbs, which boost stats even more than the normal ones. However, if any of your characters aren't near 9999 HP and 999 TP, wait until later to use the HP and TP herbs on them. Otherwise, use the HP and TP herbs on Cless/Cress, Mint, Arche and Klarth/Claus to get them to 9999 and 999 if they're close. After that, if you have any of the herbs left, do the same for Chester.
Use the Strength and Agility herbs on Cless/Cress.
If you have Ivory Tusks in your inventory (won from Bigfoots in The Lower Levels of Moria) go to Aegis's Workshop and talk to one of the people behind the counter to get the tusks carved into Mah Jong Tiles. They can be used to deal damage in battle. Don't use Rune Bottles on the Tusks, because they always give you only one Mah Jong Tile, whereas there is a chance that you will get more than one from the carver.
Use Rune Bottles on all of your Hourglasses to transform them to Chrono Glasses.
You will want to have 15 Rune Bottles with you in the dungeon, so be sure to stock up before you go.
Before you go to Dhaos's castle, make sure that you got a Dedis Emblem from the soldier in the Ary pub.
You should now be ready to go to Dhaos's castle. Go to the cave northwest of Ary, up the stairs, and follow the path to be transported to the castle.
Dhaos's Castle
If you ever want to leave the castle, just go south from the point where you entered.
Otherwise go north, save if you wish, and go in. You're about to fight a miniboss who is immune to a lot of magic elements, so be sure to remove Arche from your party and add Chester. Make sure Chester is right behind Cless/Cress.
Set Klarth/Claus to cast Gremlin if you made a contract with him in The Lower Levels of Moria, or Origin if you did not. Change Chester's tactic to "Go Berserk". For Cless/Cress's skills, Soul Forge is good for long range, and Teleport is good for short range.
Go up and check the eye to start the fight.
Dark Eye
Cast Valkyrie and Haste on Cless/Cress and Chester. Have Cless/Cress use skills constantly, and try to get Dark Eye stuck in one corner. Dark Eye can teleport away, so just keep getting it stuck in a corner. Continue using this strategy until it is defeated.
Dhaos's Castle, part 2
Now replace Chester with Arche. If you walk north, you will see a door. Go through to get a Holy Bottle on the left a Sage on the right. Leave the room and go north, then go east to find the north exit. Go through.
Go through the door to the right to find a Star Shield. Exit the room, then exit north. Flip the switch, then go back to the first room of the castle and exit right. Go through the door and up the stairs.
Second Floor
From where you enter, there is a one-way door just above you. Go through it, then go through the door above that to get Meteor Storm, a spell. Exit the room.
Follow the passage south, open the chests. From top to bottom, they contain an ?Armor that turns into a Star Cloak, and a Rune Bottle. Continue on the path, and when you see stairs to your right, go left, then keep going straight down until you reach a room with two chests, which contain an Elixir or the left and an ?Armor that turns into a Gaia Armor. Its defense isn't as high as the Golden Armor, but it absorbs more elements than the Golden Armor.
Now go straight up until you go through a door. Go right, then when you can, go up, then pretty soon after that, walk left through the wall, then go up the stairs.
Third Floor
In the first room, exit north.
Stop walking as soon as you appear in the new room. Before you walk over the star on the floor, You have to equip Cless/Cress (and not someone else) with the Dedis Emblem. After you have equipped him with the Dedis Emblem, have him walk over the star, and watch everyone else get transported to the dungeon.
Cless/Cress will have to fight alone for now. If you don't have the Scout Orb (which comes from The Lower Levels of Moria) or you don't want to use it to reduce enemy encounters, be sure to equip Cless/Cress with a Gorgon Amulet. Remember to use plenty of healing items, since you are without a healer. You will be going near the entrance soon, where you will be able to leave and restock your supplies. This floor has 4 Dedis Emblems, each guarded by a Hanzo. Also note that if you fight a Roam Eye, it has a small chance of dropping a Dedis Emblem, so keep checking your inventory to see how many Emblems you have.
First, go right from the star, then go through the door and walk up to the chest to fight a Hanzo.
Use Soul Forge to get close to it, then stay near it and keep using Teleport.
Third Floor, part 2
Exit the room, then go south. Use the door on the right to fight another Hanzo, then exit the room.
If you want a Star Cap and Book of Seals (a weapon for Klarth/Claus, but not as good as the Namco Gamer, which you can get from Ayflite's Treasure Hunt), use the south exit. The left chest contains a ?Helm that turns into a Star Cap, and the right chest contains a ?Book that turns into a Book of Seals. If you don't want those treasures, use the north exit.
Go north again and you reach a crossroads. If you want a Star Rod (which is not as good as the Blue Crystal Rod that you can get from the Ninja Village) and Star Gloves, use the north exit. The left chest contains a ?Staff that turns into a Star Rod, and the right chest contains Star Gloves. Otherwise, use the west exit.
Approach the chest to fight another Hanzo and get another Dedis Emblem. Then use the left exit, then walk left until you see an exit to the south. Go down that exit. Then follow the passage to the left and go through the door to fight another Hanzo and get the last Emblem. Check to make sure you have four Dedis Emblems in your inventory before moving on.
Exit this room, then go right and up and use the exit on the right. To quickly reach the dungeon, which is on the first floor, just unequip your Dedis Emblem and walk onto the star.
In this dark area, just walk down and you will see your cell door. Check on it to open it.
Exit the cell and walk right until you hit the wall. Then walk down, and when you can, go right, and you will see a cell door. Open the cell and talk to Chester. Exit the cell.
Walk right until you hit the wall, then go up until you hit the wall. To the right, you will see another cell door. Open it and talk to Mint. Exit that cell, then walk right to reach another cell. Open it and talk to Arche. Exit the cell.
Go down the south passage, and when you can, go left. Keep going left until you see a cell above you. Open it and talk to Klarth/Claus. Exit the cell.
To get out of the dungeon, go right, and when you can, go up. Keep going up until you hit the wall, then go right and open the cell door, then go through the door and up the stairs.
Exit north. Then go right and exit south to exit the castle if you want to heal up and restock your supplies.
Back in the Castle
In the first room of the castle, exit right, then go through the door and go up the stairs, then go left and up and through the fake wall, then go up the stairs, and exit north.
Do not step on the star symbol! First, equip everyone, including your fifth member, with a Dedis Emblem. Make sure everyone is equipped with it before you proceed!
If you are ready and equipped, walk over the star symbol. Then exit to the left. Make sure to re-equip everyone with their original accessories.
Go left, then down, and exit left, then check the door. Go through.
The chests, bottom to top, left to right, are Spy Lens/Magic Lens, Charm Bottle, Holy Bottle, Sage, a ?Helm that turns into a Star Helm, a ?Weapon that turns into Spinesheath, which is not as good as Excalibur, and has a low slice stat.
Go up the stairs and save.
Fourth Floor
There are some Sages and a Savory on this floor, as well as a Rune Bottle, as well as some minor treasures, such as Gummies and bottles. It is recommended to at least get the Sages and Savory, but if you don't want them, skip to Skipping the Treasure.
Getting the Treasure
Walk up and to the right from the save point and go through the door that leads downward. Go through the door to the right. The chest on the left contains an Apple Gummy/Apple Gel/Apple Gummiand the chest on the right contains a Sage. Exit the room.
Exit right, then exit north, and then go left and exit down. In the first room above you, the left chest contains a Mixed Gummy/Melange Gel and the chest on the right contains a Savory. Exit.
Go into the room to the left of where you just were, and open the chest to get a Rune Bottle. Then exit the room.
Then go right and exit south. From here, exit left. Walk left until you see the door above you. If you want a Holy Bottle, exit north twice to get it, then exit south and then southwest to get back to where you were.
Regardless of whether you got the Holy Bottle or not, exit south. In this hallway, exit east.
The room below is empty. The first room above you contains a Holy Bottle, the second room contains a Sage, and the third has a Life Bottle on the left and a Jade Ring on the right. Go back into the hallway and exit left. Once again, walk left and exit left. Then skip to Seal Eye Room.
Skipping the Treasure
Go up and exit northwest. Then go left, then down and exit south. From there, exit left.
Seal Eye Room
Change Arche's skills so she will only cast Meteor Storm. Change Klarth/Claus's spells so he only casts Gremlin. Set Cless/Cress to use Soul Forge and Teleport. Then walk left and walk up to the eye to start the battle.
Seal Eyes
Mint can cast Valkyrie and Haste on Cless/Cress again to make this battle end sooner, but it might end so quickly that she won't have time to cast them. Soul Forge and Teleport work best. One of the Seal Eyes might teleport in between everybody right at the beginning of the battle and do a long attack on everybody, so have Cless/Cress wait to see what the Seal Eyes do before attacking. If one of them teleports between everybody, have Cless/Cress attack it. Try to back one or both of them into a corner and use Teleport while standing next to it. If there's a Seal Eye to your left, try to attack the one on the right.
Dhaos's Castle, part 3
Walk to the back wall and flip the switch. Then exit this room.
To exit to the next floor, go through the door in the north wall, exit north, then go up and right, down through the door, and exit right. In this room, go all the way right until you see the wall to your right, and exit through the north door. Then go through the open door and up the stairs.
Fifth Floor
Save the game, then walk left and exit north. You will need to step on the switches starting with the one that is farthest away from the exit, then the next farthest, and so on. To do so, exit left, then exit down, then left again. Then go all the way to the left and exit left, and step on the switch. Then go back out.
If you want another ?Armor that turns into a Gaia Armor, go through the door above you. Otherwise, head slightly right, then exit down. The top chest contains a Reverse Doll and the bottom chest contains a Dragon Steak.
Go through the door to the north and step on that switch. Go back out, exit right, and step on the switch in here. Exit north.
Go through the door above you and step on that switch. Go back out, exit right, go through the door above you and step on that switch. Exit south.
Finally, save your game, then step on the switch to the right, and go through the door that opens. Go up the stairs.
Sixth Floor
You can optionally go north if you want a Holy Bottle and Resist Ring, then come back to this room. Notice that the markings on the floor lead into the wall to the right. Go through the wall there.
While you go to the right through the wall, look for a room above you, and go up to reach it. Open the chest to get Lavender, then use a Rune Bottle on it to turn it into a Red Lavender for Cless/Cress. Go back down, and go right, and when you see yourself near the right wall, go up, but not up the stairs yet. Walk through the wall to the left to reach six chests. From top to bottom, right to left, they contain an Hourglass, Sage, Savory, Elixir, Lavender, and Magic Pouch. Use a Rune Bottle on the Hourglass and herbs.
Then exit through the wall to the right, and go up the stairs.
Seventh Floor
Go through the door on the left. (The one on the right leads to a dead end.)
Skip this paragraph if you don't want Elven Boots. If you want them, go up, then go right, then down, then keep going right (skip the north door) and exit right, then go up through the door to find the Boots. Then go back out, and exit right, and check the mirror to be transported to the empty room near the floor entrance. Go out, then go through the door on the left.
Go up, then exit left. From there go down, and if you want a Dragon Steak, go through the right-hand door below. Otherwise, just go through the bottom left door, and keep going down to reach the room with the stairs.
Eighth Floor
Go north, save, and exit north. Follow the path until you reach a room with flames, and stop there.
At the top, there is a save point. Stand on it and do the following to prepare everybody for the big battles ahead.
First recover everyone's HP. If anyone's TP is in the red, use a Gummy.
Now is the time to use the Red Sage and Red Savory.
IMPORTANT: For your formation, have Cless/Cress on the rightmost side, and everyone else on the leftmost side.
Have Cless/Cress's skills set as follows:
Short Range | A: Teleport B: Gale Shield |
Long Range | A: Soul Forge B: Odin's Wrath |
Klarth/Claus and Arche should be ready to cast spells all the time, but only Gremlin and Meteor Storm. Mint should Value HP over TP.
Equip everyone with their best equipment, but have Arche wear the Dark Robe. You can either have Cless/Cress wear the Golden Armor, which is his best armor, or the Gaia Armor, which absorbs more elements but has a lower defense stat.
Have your party wear the following accessories.
1: Battle Rune
2: Gorgon Amulet
1: Mana Earring
2: Mystical Rune
1: Diamond Ring
2: Mystical Rune
1: Fairy Ring
2: Mystical Rune
Before you go into battle, go to your items menu and organize everything so that all battle-use items are on top. There is no need to save these items until later, so don't hesitate to use them in battle.
See below for the list of battle-use items and their effects.
Item | What it Does |
Apple Gummy/Apple Gel/Apple Gummi | Recovers 30% HP |
Chrono Glass | Stops time in battle |
Elixir | Recovers 100% HP and TP |
Flare Bottle | Raises attack |
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Guinness | Recovers 100% HP/TP/Status |
Hourglass | Use a Rune Bottle for Chrono Glass |
Lemon Gummy | Recovers 60% HP |
Life Bottle | Raises dead ally with a low HP |
Mah Jong Tile | Falls on and hurts selected target |
Medicine Bottle | Cures poison, prevents petrification, decreases strength 20% |
Miracle Gummy | Recovers 60% HP and TP |
Mixed Gummy/Melange Gel | Recovers 30% HP and TP |
Orange Gummy/Orange Gel/Orange Gummi | Recovers 30% TP |
Pine Gummy | Recovers 60% TP |
Remedy Bottle | Cures status |
S-Flag | Raises dead ally with full HP |
Sake | Recovers 100% HP/TP/Status |
Spy Lens/Magic Lens | Shows enemy's HP, TP, weakness |
Yellow Cake | Casts Explode spell for free |
After you have gotten everybody ready, save the game.
Go through the door above you and watch the cutscene.
Your spell casters should be casting Gremlin and Meteor Storm repeatedly. Have Cless/Cress just keep using Teleport. Have Mint cast Haste and Valkyrie on Cless/Cress. Try to back Dhaos into the corner and keep using Teleport. Have Mint cast Hammer on Dhaos repeatedly.
Neo Dhaos
Make sure your formation has Cless/Cress on the rightmost side and everyone else on leftmost side.
Neo Dhaos will turn the screen blue sometimes, and while it's blue, you can't hurt him, but he can hurt you. Because of this, you should tell Klarth/Claus and Arche not to cast spells, and just have them cast Gremlin and Meteor Storm manually whenever the screen isn't blue.
At the very start, have Cless/Cress use Odin's Wrath (his secondary long range skill). If Cless/Cress ends up to the right of Dhaos, press right when Cless/Cress starts running back toward the left, to make sure Cless/Cress stops where he is. That way, he is not in the path of Dhaos Arm. However, he won't be able to use Gale Shield, so you will have to have him use regular sword slices.
If Cless/Cress is to the right of Dhaos Arm, don't press L. If you do, your party will try to walk to the right of Cless/Cress, but they will get killed by Dhaos Arm.
Whenever the screen is not blue, use a Chrono Glass.
While the Chrono Glass is in effect, manually cast Gremlin and Meteor Storm as many times as you can. Also, while Neo Dhaos is vulnerable, use a Mah Jong Tile on him. Have Cless/Cress continually use Teleport on Dhaos Arm until it's gone (or regular sword slices if your skills aren't working skills), and once the arm is gone, have him use Gale Shield on the head.
Congratulations! Enjoy the ending!
Hard Mode
If you want to play the game in hard mode (where the enemies have a lot more HP), go to the title screen of the game and press ABXY at the same time. If you did it correctly, you will hear "Yatta!" like the characters say after they win a battle.