
Umekichi's wife and Yuzuki's grandmother.


Birthday Fall 20
Favorite Gift Wraps
Omiyo's Favorite Gift Chawanmushi
Gifts that Omiyo Loves
Crops that Omiyo Loves
Salads that Omiyo Loves
Soups that Omiyo Loves
Casseroles that Omiyo Loves
Rice Dishes that Omiyo Loves
Snacks that Omiyo Loves
Drinks that Omiyo Loves
Fermenter Products that Omiyo Loves
Gifts that Omiyo Likes
Crops that Omiyo Likes
Byproducts that Omiyo Likes
Bamboo Products that Omiyo Likes
Salads that Omiyo Likes
Soups that Omiyo Likes
Grilled And Fried Foods that Omiyo Likes
Casseroles that Omiyo Likes
Rice Dishes that Omiyo Likes
Noodles And Rice that Omiyo Likes
Snacks that Omiyo Likes
Drinks that Omiyo Likes
Cheese Workshop Goods that Omiyo Likes
Seasonings that Omiyo Likes
Thread And Fabric that Omiyo Likes
Ingredients that Omiyo Likes
Raw Materials that Omiyo Likes
Flower Bouquets that Omiyo Likes

Note: Omiyo likes all Flower Bouquets

Other that Omiyo Likes
Fermenter Products that Omiyo Likes
Gifts that Omiyo Dislikes
Salads that Omiyo Dislikes
Soups that Omiyo Dislikes
Grilled And Fried Foods that Omiyo Dislikes
Casseroles that Omiyo Dislikes
Rice Dishes that Omiyo Dislikes
Noodles And Rice that Omiyo Dislikes
Snacks that Omiyo Dislikes
Drinks that Omiyo Dislikes
Cheese Workshop Goods that Omiyo Dislikes
Seasonings that Omiyo Dislikes
Wine that Omiyo Dislikes

Note: Omiyo dislikes all Wine

Fish that Omiyo Dislikes
Other that Omiyo Dislikes
Gifts that Omiyo Hates
Mushrooms that Omiyo Hates
Salads that Omiyo Hates
Soups that Omiyo Hates
Grilled And Fried Foods that Omiyo Hates
Casseroles that Omiyo Hates
Rice Dishes that Omiyo Hates
Snacks that Omiyo Hates
Drinks that Omiyo Hates
Other that Omiyo Hates
Omiyo's Horror Gift Decoration Cake