
Brad's wife. She helps manage the Garden Grill restaurant.


Birthday Winter 11
Favorite Gift Wraps
Carrie's Favorite Gift Mince Pie
Gifts that Carrie Loves
Crops that Carrie Loves
Honeys that Carrie Loves
Salads that Carrie Loves
Grilled And Fried Foods that Carrie Loves
Noodles And Rice that Carrie Loves
Snacks that Carrie Loves
Drinks that Carrie Loves
Cheese Workshop Goods that Carrie Loves
Gifts that Carrie Likes
Crops that Carrie Likes
Byproducts that Carrie Likes
Honeys that Carrie Likes
Salads that Carrie Likes
Soups that Carrie Likes
Grilled And Fried Foods that Carrie Likes
Casseroles that Carrie Likes
Rice Dishes that Carrie Likes
Noodles And Rice that Carrie Likes
Snacks that Carrie Likes
Drinks that Carrie Likes
Cheese Workshop Goods that Carrie Likes
Seasonings that Carrie Likes
Thread And Fabric that Carrie Likes
Wine that Carrie Likes
Ingredients that Carrie Likes
Flower Bouquets that Carrie Likes
Other that Carrie Likes
Perfume that Carrie Likes
Gifts that Carrie Dislikes
Mushrooms that Carrie Dislikes
Salads that Carrie Dislikes
Soups that Carrie Dislikes
Grilled And Fried Foods that Carrie Dislikes
Casseroles that Carrie Dislikes
Rice Dishes that Carrie Dislikes
Noodles And Rice that Carrie Dislikes
Snacks that Carrie Dislikes
Drinks that Carrie Dislikes
Seasonings that Carrie Dislikes
Fish that Carrie Dislikes
Ingredients that Carrie Dislikes
Pet Supplies that Carrie Dislikes
Raw Materials that Carrie Dislikes
Other that Carrie Dislikes
Jar Goods that Carrie Dislikes
Fermenter Products that Carrie Dislikes
Gifts that Carrie Hates
Crops that Carrie Hates
Mushrooms that Carrie Hates
Salads that Carrie Hates
Soups that Carrie Hates
Casseroles that Carrie Hates
Rice Dishes that Carrie Hates
Drinks that Carrie Hates
Other that Carrie Hates
Fermenter Products that Carrie Hates
Carrie's Horror Gift Doji Hot Pot