Soft Shell Turtle

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Soft Shell Turtle

How to Get It Can be caught with a fishing rod.
Fishing Details
Fishing Rod Effectiveness Required 5
Other Requirements Before you can catch Soft Shell Turtle, you must catch Willowfish, Three-lips, Icefish, Sculpin, Blowfish, Sweetfish, Cherry Trout, Char, Dace, Crucian Carp, Carp, Salmon, Freshwater Prawn, Red Freshwater Crab, Loach, Cherry Salmon, Bullhead Catfish. You must also catch a Mitten Crab.
Seasons Available All seasons
Where to Catch It
  • North Tsuyukusa, around the southwest bridge
Can be Caught During Typhoons? Yes
Can be Caught During Blizzards? Yes
Can be Caught During Fishing Festival? Yes
Size Range 30-60 cm
Soft Shell Turtle is/are Required for the Following Blueprints, Recipes, or Farm Circle Combos
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