Owner of the Capeside Bistro.
Birthday | Autumn 17 |
Favorite Gifts | Bouquet Perfume, Charming Perfume, Moonlight Nocturne, Mushroom Marinade, Small Fish Marinade, Winter Bloom Rondo |
Loved Gifts | Butter, Floral Perfume, Jewelry Ring, Lemon, Lily, Ruby, Tiramisu |
Liked Gifts | Cheese, Flour, Pepper, Salt, Sardine, Shishamo Smelt |
Misaki's Special Encounters
Hearts Required | Location | Time | Weather |
1 ♥ | Marcos's House | 8AM - 5:59PM | Clear, Rain, Snow |
4 ♥ | Capeside Bistro | 8AM - 5:59PM | Clear, Rain, Snow |
7 ♥ | Capeside Bistro | 8AM - 5:59PM | Clear, Rain, Snow |
10 ♥ | Capeside Bistro | 8AM - 5:59PM | Clear, Rain, Snow |
Bonus Encounter
If you have at least 8 ♥ with both Cindy and Misaki, and you have developed the town to level 10 (i.e. you have seen the credits roll), go to Olive Town from your farm between 12PM and 5:59PM to see a special encounter.