Gull's Rest Hotel & Café

At the Gull's Rest Hotel & Café, you can order meals from Sally to restore your stamina and get health benefits.

Café Menu

Sally from Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town
Have Meal (Gull's Rest Café)
Item Name Normal Mode Price Seedling Mode Price Additional Requirements
Salads (Gull's Rest Café)
Vegetable Salad 50 40
Soups (Gull's Rest Café)
Mixed Soup 40 32
Entrées (Gull's Rest Café)
Vegetable Sandwich 110 88
Pizza 320 256
Neapolitan Pasta 530 424 Available after reaching Cooking Lv.5.
Desserts (Gull's Rest Café)
Fruit Compôte 170 136
Pancakes 280 224
Maple Muffin 380 304
Shortcake 440 352
Cheesecake 500 400
Chocolate Cake 510 408 Available after reaching Cooking Lv.8.
Tiramisu 650 520 Available after reaching Cooking Lv.9.
Panna Cotta 1,350 1,080 Available after reaching Cooking Lv.10.
Other Dishes (Gull's Rest Café)
Tea 50 40
Coffee 160 128
Orange Juice 130 104
Chai 240 192
Cocoa 280 224
Coconut Juice 240 192 Available after reaching Cooking Lv.8.
Caffè Mocha 520 416 Available after reaching Cooking Lv.9.
Fruit au Lait 1,320 1,056 Available after reaching Cooking Lv.10.