Sally's husband. Father of Blaire and Mikey. Owns the Gull's Rest Hotel.
Birthday | Spring 26 |
Favorite Gifts | Timeworn Compass, Timeworn Map |
Loved Gifts | Almond Cookies, Coconut, Cookies, Fashionable Bracelet, Hibiscus, Jewelry Locket, Shiny Watch |
Liked Gifts | Bouquet Perfume, Floral Perfume, Fruit Perfume, Jewelry Ring, Springtime March |
Jason's Special Encounters
Jason's special encounters occur at 1 ♥, 4 ♥, 7 ♥, and 10 ♥. They all occur at the Gull's Rest Hotel & Café 1F between 8AM - 5:59PM in Clear, Rain, or Snow weather.