After convincing the Magic Cake lady to make some Magic Cake for you, you go to Dalaam.

Go to the Mu Training Ground
Prince Poo's mentor tells him that it is time for him to complete his Mu training. Open the nearby chests. You can talk to the man with the phone on his head to call Ness's Dad and save the game.
Leave the palace, and make your way south through the village. Go into each house, and open any treasure chests that you find.
In the southeast part of Dalaam, you will find the Place of Emptiness where your mentor said to go. Talk to the Star Master, who is standing at the base of the rope. After he disappears, climb up the ropes and your Mu Training trial will begin.
A girl will tell you to return to the palace. However, this is part of the trial. After she is done speaking, don't touch any buttons. Soon, the world around you disappears. Say Yes to every question that you are asked.
Afterward, a man tells you that you have completed your Mu Training. This time, it is true, so go back to the palace and talk to your mentor. You will gain many levels, then will automatically Teleport to Summers.
All About Poo
Poo cannot equip most items. Instead, there are specific items that only he can equip: the Sword of Kings, Bracer of Kings, Cloak of Kings, and Diadem of Kings. These can be found later in the game.
In addition, Poo does not recover very much HP when he eats most foods. The only food that restores a lot of HP for Poo is the Brain Food Lunch. He also recovers more PP from Bottle of Water and Bottle of DXwater than the other characters do.
Get a Photo Taken
Now that you have Poo with you, you can get another photo taken. Go east to Toto. If you walk south of the sailor who is standing near the leftmost stairs that go down to water, the Photo Man will take your picture.
Visit the Secret Upper Room of the Museum
Go into the museum and talk to the woman behind the counter. Pay to enter the museum. Go to the left side of the museum's main room and go up the stairs. Talk to the man at the door and agree to give him the gem. He will let you into the room. Go through the door.
A couple of Shattered Men will attack. They are weak to Freeze and Paralysis. You can probably avoid fighting the one on the right, but Poo could use the EXP from defeating both.
After you defeat one or both of the Shattered Men, check on the plaque on the front of the exhibit. You will learn more about Giygas, and you will also learn a pattern that is related to the sphinx. Poo will realize that you should go to the pyramid in Scaraba.
Leave the room, and the guard will give you a photo of the hieroglyphs. You can Use it in your inventory to read the hieroglyphs message whenever you wish.
Leave the Museum
Try to go outside. The phone at the museum front desk will be ringing. Check on it. Mr. Spoon of the Fourside museum will say that he has made an amazing discovery.
Go to the Fourside Museum
Teleport to Fourside and enter the museum. You should use Poo's Teleport β, which requires less space to make a running start.