Pod Room

After you choose Q-Team's Pop Off fragment, you must escape the Pod Room.

Seek a Way Out

Pick up the note on the floor that says STRIKE.

Touch the far wall, then touch the glass door on the left, and then touch the colorful locks. Each one is a sliding block puzzle.

To solve the upper puzzle, slide the green shape to the right, then slide the red shape up.

To solve the lower puzzle, slide the blue shape up, slide the green shape left, then slide the red shape down.

Open the door that you unlocked to get the hammer.

Go back from where you got the hammer until you see the four red circles. You can use the hammer on the red circles on the floor and ceiling to rotate the room. Hit the lower-left or upper-right circle to rotate the room counterclockwise. Two new red circles appear. It looks like this:


Hit the circles in the following order:


After that, hit the upper-left circle and continue rotating the room clockwise until you see another glass door locked with sliding puzzles. Keep rotating the room clockwise until that glass door is on the right. Go to it and unlock the two puzzles as follows:

In the puzzle that has two L-shaped yellow pieces, slide one of the green pieces up, then slide it across to the opposite side. Then slide the blue piece all the way up, then put the yellow piece in the corner below the blue piece. Then slide the green pieces so they are both touching the top edge, and slide the other blue piece all the way up (slide one of the green pieces over so you can do this). Slide the yellow piece so that it is in the corner below the blue piece that you just moved. Slide the blue pieces down, and the green pieces into the nearest corners, then slide the red piece all the way up.

In the other puzzle, slide the leftmost green piece to the left. Then slide the other green piece left and up. Slide the purple piece up, then slide the rightmost yellow piece left. Move the blue piece all the way down. Slide the green and purple pieces into the corner above the blue piece. Slide the yellow piece up onto the red piece. Slide the lower yellow piece right, and the lower green piece right. Slide the other blue piece all the way down, then slide the yellow and green piece into the corner above the blue piece. Slide the other yellow piece up onto the red piece. Slide both blue pieces so that they are in a corner and touching each other, then slide the yellow piece into the corner. Then slide the red piece all the way down.

Open the glass door to get the driver.

Use the hammer to rotate the room counterclockwise until the Y-shaped enclosure is on the left wall. Check the enclosure door to get the driver tip.

Combine the driver and the driver tip.

Rotate the room counterclockwise until the glass door below the yellow wall is accessible. Check on each colorful lock to do the sliding puzzle.

In the puzzle with the thin round piece, rotate the thin round piece clockwise, slide the blue piece up, rotate the thin round piece counterclockwise, then slide the red piece left.

In the puzzle with the circle-shaped piece, slide the smallest piece down, slide the upper piece left, slide the smallest piece up, rotate the circular piece 90° clockwise, and slide the lower rectangle to the right.

Open the glass, and you will get a note.

Now you can use the driver on the serrated hole. You need to rotate the dial until the number in the center is 0.

First ring: Touch the left arrow four times, then the right arrow, then the left arrow.

Second ring: Touch the left arrow, then touch the right arrow until the puzzle becomes 0.

Third ring: Touch the right arrow until the center number is 55, then touch the left arrow.

After you clear all three rings, a device rises from the floor. Use the driver on it to rotate the room. Use it to line up all of the green lines.

The screen will rise up, revealing another glass door that is locked with two sliding puzzles.

In the puzzle where the big locking rectangle is on the right, slide the small upper-right piece to the left, then slide the long rectangle up. Slide the T-shaped piece up. Slide the C-shaped piece up. Slide the Z-shaped piece up. Slide the bottom-most rectangle to the right and up. Slide the L-shaped piece all the way down, then all the way to the right. Slide the T-shaped piece to the bottom-left corner, then slide the small square all the way down. Slide the C-shaped piece all the way to the left. Slide the Z-shaped piece all the way up, then the bottom-right rectangle up, then the L-shaped piece up. Slide the T-shaped piece all the way to the right, and slide the small square all the way to the right. Slide the C-shaped piece all the way down. Slide the small upper-left piece down one and right one. Slide the L-shaped piece into the upper-left corner. Slide the smallest piece left and down, then slide the middle rectangle between the C-shaped piece and the T-shaped piece. Then slide the big locking rectangle all the way to the left.

In the puzzle with the + piece, slide the large upper-right rectangle up, then slide it once to the left. Slide the lower-left rectangle all the way right. Slide the small horizontal rectangle all the way down. Slide the upper-left rectangle up, then the upper small horizontal rectangle up. Slide the leftmost square all the way down. Slide the + shape left and down. Slide the rightmost square all the way left until it is touching the large locking rectangle, then slide it down so it is to the left of the +. Slide the rectangle above it down, then slide the large upper rectangle to the left. Slide the large lower rectangle all the way up. Slide the lower-right rectangle into the bottom-right corner, then slide the + shape to the right once, then down. Slide the upper small square all the way right, then down, and slide the small horizontal rectangle down. Finally, slide the large locking piece all the way to the right.

Open the cover and get the shotgun. Use it on the button on the wall that says POD. Then touch the button that was revealed.


In this decision, you will have to answer a question. You can also choose to let the time run out.

Correct answer: Let the time run out, or enter I DONT KNOW or DONT KNOW or DONNO or something similar. If you answer with anything else, you just get a bad end.