Dancing Dragon Dungeon

After visiting the Sunken City and going up waterfalls with Dimitri, you reach Mt. Cucco. With Moosh's help, you reach Dancing Dragon Dungeon.

Get Bombs

From the entrance, go north. Push the left middle block to the right and open the chest to get bombs.

Get a Key

Get into the mine cart. Ignore the switch on the way for now. In the room where you end up, bomb the right wall where it's cracked.

Lift one of the middle pots, then lift the pot in the center. Push the rest of the pots onto the switches, and stand on the final one to make a key fall from the ceiling.

Get the Dungeon Map

Go back to the mine cart. Get in, but hit the switch before you pass it. You should be sent to a different room this time.

Swim across the water and push the statue onto the switch. Exit north.

Swim to the northwest corner of the room. Push a middle block toward the stairs, then push the block next to you out of the way. Go down the stairs.

Make your way through the narrow passage, being careful of green wizzrobes on the way. You will pass by an exit on the bottom right of the room, but it is recommended to go left and use the southwest exit.

Ignore the stairs for now and go east. Open the chest to get the Dungeon Map.

Get a Second Key

Go back to the previous room and find the stairs in the southwest corner. Go down.

Go down the ladder and use the Roc's Feather to jump across the moving platforms. In the next room, platforms appear and disappear. Jump from platform to platform, and try to get on the platforms at the highest level near the ceiling. Make your way to the right and go up the ladder.

You can light the torch with an Ember Seed if you wish, but it only stays lit for a short time.

Push up on the block to the left of the torch. Go to the right and use the Roc's Feather to jump around to where the chest is. It contains a key.

Get the Compass

You can save and quit, then load your game to go back to the entrance of the dungeon (or you can just go there the long way). Unlock the door in the east wall and go through. Jump over the spikes and bomb the cracks in the east wall. Go through.

Kill all of the enemies in this room. Be careful of the Stalfos, which will jump into the air and try to land on you. After all of the monsters are gone, push the block to make a chest appear. It contains the compass.

Get a Third Key

Go back to the room with the spikes, then go north. In the water, press B to go underwater when the rollers pass by. Exit north.

Get past the Like Like and Spiny Beetle. Go to the upper part of the room and jump over the cracked tiles to reach the mine cart. Get in, and hit the switch that the mine cart passes. When you get out, go back into the mine cart. It should take you to a different room.

Kill the Like Likes and Water Tektite to make a key fall from the ceiling. Get into the water and press B where it fell to get the key.

Get a Fourth Key

Go back into the mine cart. When it drops you off, go east. Unlock the key block and continue east. The owl statue just says "Greater speed gives greater distance." In other words, you will need to use Pegasus Seeds while jumping.

Kill all of the Stalfos to make stairs appear next to the owl statue. Go up. Use a Pegasus Seed, then jump over the gaps and go west until you reach the stairs. Go down.

Go to the right and push the block out of the way. Get into the mine cart. When it drops you off, go to the left side of the room and get the key from the chest. There is a business scrub in this room who will sell you Ember Seeds.

Reach the Mini-Boss

Go south from where you got the key. Jump to the gaps in the spikes to reach the south exit.


Wait for Agunima to split into three. Agunima throws fireballs, but they are slow, so they are easy to avoid. Just keep your distance when Agunima is about to throw fireballs. This is important, because you can easily lose a lot of hearts if you are too close to Agunima when he throws fireballs.

Light the torches with Ember Seeds. The Agunima with a shadow is vulnerable, but only while both torches are lit. So the strategy is to wait for Agunima to disappear, light the torches and quickly hit the Agunima with a shadow before it can throw a fireball. You should have enough time to hit Agunima twice after you light the torches. Don't wait too long to hit Agunima or you will end up walking right into his fireball attack.

Get the Slingshot

If you go east from Agunima's room, the wise old man will tell you that what you seek is in the eye.

Go back to Agunima's room and go south. Get into the mine cart. When it drops you off, go south.

Avoid the beamos and go through the locked door in the west wall. Push the statue onto the switch. The floor will start collapsing, so use a Pegasus Seed to run to the chest. It contains the Slingshot. You can use any type of seed in the slingshot. This is helpful for lighting torches at a distance and hitting switches from afar.

Get the Boss Key

Go east and exit north from the beamos room. Get into the mine cart. In the next room, equip the slingshot with any type of seed (make sure you didn't accidentally equip the seed satchel instead) and use the slingshot to hit both switches on the right. When the mine cart drops you off, go back in. You should end up on the east side of the room. Go north, then east.

Use pegasus seeds from the seed satchel to jump over the gaps. Unlock the key block and go north.

Get into the right "eye" and dive down on the left side to find the Boss Key.

Get a Fifth Key

Go back to the mine cart and get in. Go north through Agunima's room and continue north to the room with the spikes. Jump to the gaps in the spikes and exit to the north.

Get into the mine cart and use the slingshot to shoot ember seeds at the torches. If you hit them all, a chest appears. Get back into the mine cart and return to the room with the spikes. Jump to the gaps in the spikes to go to the east side of the room. Go up the stairs and exit north, then east. Open the chest to get a key.

Reach the Boss

Go back to the room with the spikes with small holes in between, and exit south to Agunima's room, and go south from there.

In the room with the mine cart, go to the south part of the room. Make the blade trap move, then use the Roc's Feather to jump over the blade trap and go to the east side of the room. Use the slingshot to hit the switch to the east, jumping over the blade trap again as needed. Go back into the mine cart.

When the mine cart drops you off, kill the three red wizzrobes to open the north door. Exit north.

Get past the beamos and unlock the key block in the north part of the room. If you don't have a key, check your dungeon map for treasure chests (if you don't have the map and compass go to Get the Dungeon Map and Get the Compass). If there is no treasure chest on the map but you don't have a key, go east from the entrance, then north and follow the path, then go west in the mine cart, then dive underwater and swim around to find the key. For the treasure chest in the room with no entrances, first go to the dungeon entrance, then go north and get in the mine cart. Make the mine cart go to the west, then go to the west side of the room and push the statue onto the button, then go north, then push the middle of the rightmost blocks to the left, and push the one below you south, and go down the stairs. Go south, then use the stairs in the southwest corner. From there, the path to the key is straightforward. Then come back to the beamos room.

After unlocking the key block in the beamos room, go down the stairs.

The owl statue says that the guarded body watches with unguarded eyes. This is a clue to defeating the next boss. Go toward the east side of the room and use the slingshot to shoot ember seeds at the torches. Go across the bridge that appears, and exit east. Then use the northeast exit.

Get on the moving platform. It moves quickly. Be sure to kill any keese in your way so they don't knock you off. Unlock the boss door and go in.


Gohma's claw is its vulnerable point, but beware that if Gohma raises its claw, it is about to rush forward at an angle toward you, and if it grabs you, it will do a lot of damage. Stay in front of Gohma, but not too close, and try to hit the claw, but run directly left or right when it charges forward, to try to go farther than the angle that Gohma moves forward at. You might find it helpful to use Pegasus Seeds.

Eventually the claw will break off. Use the slingshot to hit Gohma's eye whenever it opens, but be aware that Gohma will sometimes spit out many bugs that bounce around. They will try to stick to you, which will prevent you from using items. If the bugs stick to you, tap buttons until they fall off. Kill the bugs as soon as possible. They can drop seeds and recovery hearts.

Get the Essence

Go east to get the Soothing Rain. Outside, the Maku Tree says that he saw a vision of a lake shaped like eyeglasses.