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Decryptors - Minmatar Group

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Cryptic Accelerant

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
CategoryDecryptors - Minmatar
DescriptionThe scientific jargon contained herein could cause mental meltdowns, but if you can extract anything of use it's great for Minmatar invention jobs.

Probability Multiplier: +20%
Max. Run Modifier: +1
Material Efficiency Modifier: +2
Time Efficiency Modifier: +10

Cryptic Attainment

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
CategoryDecryptors - Minmatar
DescriptionSolid instructions that even an idiot can follow that improve your probability of a successful Minmatar invention job immensely.

Probability Multiplier: +80%
Max. Run Modifier: +4
Material Efficiency Modifier: -1
Time Efficiency Modifier: +4

Cryptic Augmentation

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
CategoryDecryptors - Minmatar
DescriptionIf you can assimilate these ideas into a Minmatar invention job it could greatly multiply your output runs.

Probability Multiplier: -40%
Max. Run Modifier: +9
Material Efficiency Modifier: -2
Time Efficiency Modifier: +2

Cryptic Parity

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
CategoryDecryptors - Minmatar
DescriptionBalanced decryptor for Minmatar that increases the likelihood of successful invention considerably, while still providing nice supplementary benefits with just a slight increase in production time.

Probability Multiplier: +50%
Max. Run Modifier: +3
Material Efficiency Modifier: +1
Time Efficiency Modifier: -2

Cryptic Process

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
CategoryDecryptors - Minmatar
DescriptionThis decryptor gives insightful information into the nature of Minmatar invention jobs, but lacks inspirational touches.

Probability Multiplier: +10%
Max. Run Modifier: N/A
Material Efficiency Modifier: +3
Time Efficiency Modifier: +6

Cryptic Symmetry

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
CategoryDecryptors - Minmatar
DescriptionAs long as you can decipher the theories there is some good common sense stuff in here that can give all around benefits to Minmatar invention jobs.

Probability Multiplier: N/A
Max. Run Modifier: +2
Material Efficiency Modifier: +1
Time Efficiency Modifier: +8

Optimized Cryptic Attainment

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
CategoryDecryptors - Minmatar
DescriptionA rare and valuable Minmatar decryptor that dramatically increases your chance for success at invention. Gives minor benefit to material efficiency at the expense of slight increase in production time.

Probability Multiplier: +90%
Max. Run Modifier: +2
Material Efficiency Modifier: +1
Time Efficiency Modifier: -2

Optimized Cryptic Augmentation

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
CategoryDecryptors - Minmatar
DescriptionA rare and valuable Minmatar decryptor that gives solid boost to number of runs an invented BPC will have, plus improved material efficiency, with just a slight decrease in invention success.

Probability Multiplier: -10%
Max. Run Modifier: +7
Material Efficiency Modifier: +2
Time Efficiency Modifier: 0