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Accelerant Decryptor

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
CategoryGeneric Decryptor
DescriptionUnexceptional texts mostly aimed at rookie researchers wishing to increase the production efficiency of invention jobs.

Probability Multiplier: +20%
Max. Run Modifier: +1
Material Efficiency Modifier: +2
Time Efficiency Modifier: +10

Attainment Decryptor

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
CategoryGeneric Decryptor
DescriptionDynamic guidelines for invention jobs, increasing the chance of success and number of runs greatly at a slight cost to material efficiency.

Probability Multiplier: +80%
Max. Run Modifier: +4
Material Efficiency Modifier: -1
Time Efficiency Modifier: +4

Augmentation Decryptor

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
CategoryGeneric Decryptor
DescriptionClever research technique that allows for refolding of blueprint materials in invention jobs. While the number of runs is greatly increased the probability of invention is adversely affected.

Probability Multiplier: -40%
Max. Run Modifier: +9
Material Efficiency Modifier: -2
Time Efficiency Modifier: +2

Optimized Attainment Decryptor

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
CategoryGeneric Decryptor
DescriptionA rare and valuable decryptor that dramatically increases your chance for success at invention. Gives minor benefit to mineral efficiency at the expense of slight increase in production time.

Probability Multiplier: +90%
Max. Run Modifier: +2
Material Efficiency Modifier: +1
Time Efficiency Modifier: -2

Optimized Augmentation Decryptor

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
CategoryGeneric Decryptor
DescriptionA rare and valuable decryptor that gives solid boost to number of runs an invented BPC will have, plus improved mineral efficiency, with just a slight decrease in invention success.

Probability Multiplier: -10%
Max. Run Modifier: +7
Material Efficiency Modifier: +2
Time Efficiency Modifier: 0

Parity Decryptor

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
CategoryGeneric Decryptor
DescriptionBalanced decryptor that increases the likelihood of successful invention considerably, while still providing nice supplementary benefits with just a slight increase in production time.

Probability Multiplier: +50%
Max. Run Modifier: +3
Material Efficiency Modifier: +1
Time Efficiency Modifier: -2

Process Decryptor

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
CategoryGeneric Decryptor
DescriptionOptimizes invention procedures, increasing time efficiency with a slight boost to material efficiency and success chance.

Probability Multiplier: +10%
Max. Run Modifier: N/A
Material Efficiency Modifier: +3
Time Efficiency Modifier: +6

Symmetry Decryptor

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
CategoryGeneric Decryptor
DescriptionThis decryptor contains true and tested research methods regarding invention jobs with decent stats across the board.

Probability Multiplier: N/A
Max. Run Modifier: +2
Material Efficiency Modifier: +1
Time Efficiency Modifier: +8