After you get help in Proto Dome, you go to the factory to the north.

Go Through the Factory
Check the computer to turn off the laser. Fight the Acid (Crono's Slash works well), then go north up the conveyor belt. Step on the green spot on the right, and check the wall to go down.
Go down the ladder, then go west and north to a ladder that leads to a door. Go into the door, and walk north, then east, then keep pressing A to check for a chest (Mid Ether). Then go back down to the side-by-side ladders and go down the ladder on the left. Go west to find a chest (Robin Bow).
Go east to the two side-by-side ladders, and go down the ladder on the right. Go into the door at the end, but don't stand there for too long or you will be grabbed and tossed onto a conveyor above you. Instead, run west along the conveyor belt while avoiding the robots. If a robot is coming toward you, run the other way to safety or go south into one of the safe areas. Open the chest along the way (Ether), and when you have reached the west side, go south and through the door. Then go up the ladder and through the door.
When the path splits, take go east and open the chest (Mid Tonic), then go through the door. Open the chests (top: 400G; bottom: Mid Ether), then check the computer to learn code 00 (X A) and code 01 (B B). Exit the room and go west, go through the door there.
Open the chests on the left side of the room (top: Shelter; bottom: Ether), then go through the southwest exit.
Step forward, and when you hear the tone, press X A. Step forward again, and this time press B B.
Go north to return to the previous room, then use the southeast exit. Go down the ladder, go west, and go through the door. Open the chest (Bolt Sword) then check the computer to learn the lock code "XABY". Go south to leave the room.
Go east until you can't go farther east, then go up the ladder, then go east again, and go north up the ladder at the end to reach the elevator. Stand on the green spot and check the wall to go up. From there, go west and the robots will move, but if you go slowly enough, you can avoid them. Go west past them and then go north and stand on the green spot, and check the wall to move the elevator.
Use the save point if you wish, then go north through the door. Defeat the monsters to turn on the computer, then check the computer, open the chest (Shelter) and go south from the chest to go down the hatch.
If you want to avoid fighting, stay near the north wall in the first hallway. Then go south through the door, stay near the east wall, go south through another door, and stay near the south wall as you go east.
Go through the door, and open the chest in the west side of the room (Titan Vest) and open the chest in the east side of the room (Hammer Arm). Then check the computer. After a cutscene, defeat the monsters, then go south through the door and go east past where the laser was. Stand on the green spot and check the wall. You will be asked whether to go up or down. If you want to save, go up, save, then take the elevator down twice. Otherwise, just go down.
Go west and north up the hallway, open the chest (Plasma Gun), and check the computer. Press X A B Y at the tone (one after the other), then go through the door that appeared. Pull the switch, then run south.
Go west and go up the ladder. Then go east and south through the door. The elevator is disabled, so go west and north up the hallway. There will be a cutscene. You can't help Robo while they're beating him up, so just wait until they stop. They will attack you.
R Series
Use Cyclone on three of the robots at a time, and have Marle or Lucca heal as needed. Keep HP above 80.
Move On
After the battle, there will be a cutscene, and afterward you will reach a new area.