
The logic skill has quite a few benefits in The Sims 3. It is required for certain career tracks, it allows your Sim to discover galaxies and other things with a telescope, it increases your Sim's chance of winning at chess (which can be used to play ranked chess matches), allows your Sim to tutor other Sims, and opens up a bunch of logic opportunities.

How to increase logic skill

  • Use a telescope
  • Play chess
  • Certain Logic opportunities increase logic level.
  • Read skill books.

Logic challenges

  • Grand Master - Reach level five in ranked chess matches. To start a ranked chess match, use the Call Sim... option on the phone and choose "invite over next ranked chess player" (the actual text might be different). When the Sim comes over, play chess with him or her. Accomplishing this challenge will make your Sim improve more quickly in logic and chess.
  • Celestial Explorer - Discover 20 celestial bodies with the telescope. Accomplishing this will give you a social interaction to talk about the stars.
  • Teacher Extraordinaire - Tutor Sims until you have accumulated 20 hours of tutoring. You will be able to tutor Sims more successfully afterward.
  • Skill Professor - Tutor Sims in skills for 30 hours. You will be a more effective skill tutor after.