Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire were originally released in 2002 and Pokémon Emerald was originally released in 2004 for Game Boy Advance. In the game, you leave Littleroot Town to go on a Pokémon adventure in the Hoenn region, winning gym badges and encountering Team Aqua and Team Magma on the way.

- Littleroot Town
- Hoenn Route 101
- Oldale Town
- Hoenn Route 103
- Hoenn Route 102
- Petalburg City
- Hoenn Route 104 - South
- Petalburg Woods
- Hoenn Route 104 - North
- Rustboro City
- Rustboro Gym
- Hoenn Route 116
- Rusturf Tunnel
- Dewford Town
- Dewford Gym
- Granite Cave
- Slateport City
- Route 110
- Mauville City
- Mauville Gym
- Hoenn Route 117
- Verdanturf Town
- Hoenn Route 111
- Hoenn Route 112
- Hoenn Route 113
- Fallarbor Town
- Route 114
- Meteor Falls
- Mt. Chimney
- Jagged Pass
- Lavaridge Town
- Lavaridge Gym
- Petalburg Gym
- Hoenn Route 118
- Hoenn Route 119
- Weather Institute
- Fortree City
- Fortree Gym
- Hoenn Route 120
- Hoenn Route 121
- Lilycove City
- Hoenn Route 122
- Mt. Pyre
- Magma's Lilycove Hideout
- Aqua Hideout
- Hoenn Route 124
- Mossdeep City
- Mossdeep Gym
- Hoenn Route 127
- Hoenn Route 128
- Seafloor Cavern
- Sootopolis City
- Cave of Origin
- Sootopolis Gym
- Victory Road