Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver are generation IV Pokémon Games for the Nintendo DS.

Table of Contents
- Beginning the Game
- To Mr. Pokémon's House
- Meanwhile, Back at the Lab
- Going to Violet City
- Get Through Sprout Tower
- Getting the Zephyr Badge from Falkner
- Stop by the Ruins of Alph
- Make your Way to Union Cave
- Through Union Cave to Azalea Town
- All is Not Well in Slowpoke Well
- Azalea Gym
- Ilex Forest
- Goldenrod City and Beyond
- Battling Whitney at the Goldenrod Gym
- The National Park and the Pokéathlon Dome
- The Tree Blocking The Path
- Ecruteak and Morty's Gym
- Getting to Olivine City
- Cianwood, Here We Come!
- Heal Amphy, Fight Jasmine
- Mahogany Town and the Lake of Rage
- Team Rocket and their super-sneaky Secret Hideout
- Getting the Glacier Badge from Pryce in the Mahogany Gym
- Ice path and Blackthorn City
- The Kimono Girls and the Legendary
- Kanto and Victory Road