Miscellaneous items - EVE Online Item Database - Page 11

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Ralie Ardanne's Belongings

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThough only a teenager, Ralie Ardanne has quite a few endorsement deals with major clothing labels. This jacket is part of his signature look. Based on your file on him, you know that Ralie goes nowhere without his jacket. The bloodstains and other marks on the fabric do not bode well, but at least this will provide evidence that the authorities can track.

Rebellion Cache

Mass1,000.00 kg
Volume50.00 m³
DescriptionLocked away inside a secure container, this mass stockpile of small arms has somehow managed not to detonate following the explosion of Angel Lieutenant Orien Hakk's vessel. There must be tens of thousands of rifles and pistols here, all of them fully loaded and ready for immediate use. The weapons are supplemented by a deadly assortment of explosives and blunt weapons. Emblazoned on the cover of the container is what appears to be a parachute mechanism and the words “Rebel Cache.”

Recovered Data Core

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
Base Price1.00 ISK
DescriptionThis starship data core contains a detailed log of all the vessel's activities.

Recovered Navigation Telemetry

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
Base Price1.00 ISK
DescriptionThis recovered data stream is incomplete but appears to be part of a navigation telemetry dataset. Perhaps something can be made of it with a bit of ingenuity. ...#=!!!EF///S0.1//0.3//0.2//0.4//0.4//0.6//R0.7//0.7//0.5//0.6//0.6//0.8//0.9//R0.7//0.7//0.8//R0.5//0.6//0.9//1.0//R0.9//0.6//0.7//R0.7//0.7//0.7//D0.7///D-RE!!!=#...

Recovered Radioactive Materials

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis mildly radioactive material was recovered from a concealed laboratory compartment with the aid of novel scanning methods and exhibits some unusual properties. It could be useful in a controlled mutagenic process.


Mass80.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis is the corpse of a man wearing a red shirt. It looks like he was a pretty tough guy just a few hours ago.

Religious Artifact

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionThis religious artifact is highly decorated. It looks old, and it feels heavier than such a small thing should.

Report R:081-9560

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionThis data fragment was pulled from an RSS Radio Telescope. It appears to be just one part of a larger intelligence dossier.

“The Consulate is able to, of course, but I'm confident that the current situation won't escalate. Even still, we need to keep pushing for the location of the [unidentified encryption – string undecipherable] … the Angels have smelled Jovian involvement and are now throwing all kinds of ISK around to catch up to us. They will, eventually. Don't doubt it. I almost wish Boufin sold us out to them in the end, they'd realize there is nothing of value to them there and screw off. But then I guess anything we value, they'll want to lord over us too. I've noticed a few people of theirs are assigned to me too. I'll be taking slightly longer to get to our meetings as a result; I don't want to be leading them anywhere we don't want.

She asked to meet Boufin again today by the way, and again I had to explain the risks and make her promise to lie low. I'm not completely trusting that she will let me handle things. She needs to keep up her public appearances in court, not go off meeting Gallentean historians in secret. Her career would be over in a second if we got made, and I'd have serious problems of my own.

She's growing increasingly frustrated though, so we may have to look into some kind of arrangement. Surely we can set up a secure FTL line for them both? I know how to do it myself; I just need your clearance to proceed.”

Report R:081-9568

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionThis data fragment was pulled from an RSS Radio Telescope. It appears to be just one part of a larger communication. The intended recipient is unknown, but is presumably someone within the upper echelons of the Republic Security Services.

“…you dare try and cut me out of the loop again. If you wanted to run operations without me knowing or caring then you should've brought in someone with half my skill.

I've given six years of my life to this. Try that shit again and I'll be out of here. The last thing you'll see before the sip of Pator Whiskey you keep in the 2nd drawer kills you will be me waving a Wildfire Khumaak on The Scope news.”

Republic Diplomatic Documents

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis missive is a sternly worded diplomatic request from the Minmatar Republic, asking that CONCORD seriously reconsider its planned coupling of communicative technology between capsuleers and other, non-celestial soldiers of fortune. The request is encased in protective sheathing, giving it a marginally higher chance of surviving the travails of celestial transportation than a piece of paper might usually enjoy.

Republic Emissary Medallion

Mass0.10 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionThis medal was awarded to those who aided the Minmatar Republic emissaries in their mission to bring sensitive diplomatic documents, concerning the coupling of interstellar communication relays between capsuleers and other non-celestial soldiers of fortune, to CONCORD in Yulai.

Research Component

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
Base Price100.00 ISK
DescriptionThis component was once used to help construct the first Citadel structures in New Eden.

Research Data Fragment

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionBarely intact as it lies among the wreckage of his ship, this data terminal offers a rare insight into the likely research interests of the enigmatic and reclusive pirate Asitei Ohkunen. Huge amounts of data have been compiled on the neurological states of test subjects, all of them under the effects of various boosters. The reasoning behind these tests remains uncertain, although the narrow focus on electrical impulses inside the brain might suggest an attempt at some kind of digitally-produced emulation.

Research Tools

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
Base Price100.00 ISK
DescriptionThis sealed container contains a heap of tools used in all sorts of scientific research.

Riot Interdiction Team

Mass30.00 kg
Volume30.00 m³
DescriptionRiot Interdiction Teams, or RITs, are the primary Amarrian response forces for incidents involving slave riots and uprisings. These forces are equipped with the latest generations of body armor, stun sticks, flash-bang grenades, and other less-lethal technologies. In those cases where less-lethal force is insufficient, the teams are fully trained and equipped to use lethal force to resolve any such threat. For example, the RITs are often called in to resolve hostage situations in which one or more of the captives has been killed, thus eliminating the need for a phased operation and then transitioning to lethal force contingency operations (i.e., shoot to kill). Therefore, it is of little surprise that they are among the most highly trained Amarr ground forces in hostage rescue operations, and are sometimes called on to act in situations unrelated to slave-based scenarios.

Riot Interdiction Teams

Mass500.00 kg
Volume300.00 m³
DescriptionRiot Interdiction Teams, or RITs, are the primary Amarrian response forces for incidents involving slave riots and uprisings. These forces are equipped with the latest generations of body armor, stun sticks, flash-bang grenades, and other less-lethal technologies. In those cases where less-lethal force is insufficient, the teams are fully trained and equipped to use lethal force to resolve any such threat. For example, the RITs are often called in to resolve hostage situations in which one or more of the captives has been killed, thus eliminating the need for a phased operation and then transitioning to lethal force contingency operations (i.e., shoot to kill). Therefore, it is of little surprise that they are among the most highly trained Amarr ground forces in hostage rescue operations, and are sometimes called on to act in situations unrelated to slave-based scenarios.

Rogue Drone 42-X Nexus Chip

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
Base Price8,000,000.00 ISK
DescriptionThis chip is part of little-understood evolved rogue drone technology. It apparently connects both to the drones' propulsion systems and to their sensory equipment, and thus plays a part in allowing them to detect and pursue objects, sites, or victims of interest. Unfortunately, it is extremely fragile and doesn't react well to being forced into any machinery other than its native habitat, meaning that its uses as a research object are strongly limited by its availability. Some organizations in New Eden, particularly those interested in exploration and dark sciences, are rumored to pay well for this kind of item. The 42-X chip is designed for battleship class vessels.

Rogue Drone 43-X Nexus Chip

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
Base Price2,000,000.00 ISK
DescriptionThis chip is part of little-understood evolved rogue drone technology. It apparently connects both to the drones' propulsion systems and to their sensory equipment, and thus plays a part in allowing them to detect and pursue objects, sites, or victims of interest. Unfortunately, it is extremely fragile and doesn't react well to being forced into any machinery other than its native habitat, meaning that its uses as a research object are strongly limited by its availability. Some organizations in New Eden, particularly those interested in exploration and dark sciences, are rumored to pay well for this kind of item. The 43-X chip is designed for cruiser class vessels.

Rogue Drone 46-X Nexus Chip

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
Base Price500,000.00 ISK
DescriptionThis chip is part of little-understood evolved rogue drone technology. It apparently connects both to the drones' propulsion systems and to their sensory equipment, and thus plays a part in allowing them to detect and pursue objects, sites, or victims of interest. Unfortunately, it is extremely fragile and doesn't react well to being forced into any machinery other than its native habitat, meaning that its uses as a research object are strongly limited by its availability. Some organizations in New Eden, particularly those interested in exploration and dark sciences, are rumored to pay well for this kind of item. The 46-X chip is designed for frigate class vessels.

Rogue Drone A.I. Core

Mass0.01 kg
Volume0.01 m³
DescriptionA tiny chip with a modified silicon-extract wafer forming the base for an integrated circuit. The chip stores the code for the drone's bizarre artificial intelligence.

Router Encryption Key

Mass0.75 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionThis datacore looks harmless. You find it hard to believe that such a small thing holds the secret to controlling what so many people believe.

Runaway Daughter

Mass400.00 kg
Volume25.00 m³
Base Price100.00 ISK
DescriptionShe's gone into suspended animation. It's probably for the best.

S.I Formula Sheet

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionNothing in this file is decipherable, only the name. Serpentis could be using any one of a million different decryption methods. The good news is that a brute force attack could take as little as a few days, the bad news is that it could also take as long as a few decades. It all depends on how esoteric the cipher is, or if it's even a known, documented one. If it's a hybrid cipher, then it depends on how unique or distinctive both - assuming it's only two, of course - original parent ciphers were. A hybrid decryption analysis alone can take weeks, assuming that an original identifier for one single method is found.

It's probably best to just take this back to Isha.

Sacred Bricks

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionBricks from the Tal-Romon Cathedral, dedicated to the famous saint said to have been clairvoyant. Every brick was blessed by an Apostle, even the mortar was mixed with holy water, ensuring the whole building reeked of divinity. Being in the vicinity of even one of these bricks brings you this much closer to God, so behave now.

Salvaged Electronics

Mass10.00 kg
Volume20.00 m³
DescriptionThese ship parts are old but functional.

Sansha Command Signal Receiver

Mass40.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
Base Price750.00 ISK
DescriptionThis device can boost the incoming or outgoing signals to a Sansha device.

Sansha Data Sheets

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionSecrent documents used by the Sansha's Nation.

Sareko's Capsule

Mass32,000.00 kg
Volume1,000.00 m³
DescriptionThe self-destruct unit on this capsule has had the safety timer removed, a unique Crimson Hand modification that ensures military officers are rarely captured alive. The corpse also appears to have been liquefied in some way during the process, adding a dark ruby hue to the capsule fluid within.

SARO Emblem

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionBizarrely enough, it seems that Angel Cartel Lieutenant Tolan Akochi has been carrying around a CONCORD dog tag, even going to the trouble of protecting it against the rigors of exposure in space. A database query on the ID number offers a grim explanation as to why, revealing that it belongs to an ex-SARO Commander. Although nothing about him is listed on the CONCORD public network, third party news articles related to his name detail how he once lead an offensive on Serpentis Inquest Headquarters. Initially thought to be a success, later pieces tell the story of what eventually amounted to a large-scale operational failure in the face of unexpected resistance. The final article available outlines a particularly gruesome death suffered by him, his entire family and a swathe of known associates.

Sealed Research Cache

Mass10.00 kg
Volume2.00 m³
DescriptionThe contents of this container remain sealed behind some kind of proprietary Cartel technology. A thin, red film of hardened fullerene alloys forms a perfect, unbreakable seal around the contents. As if that wasn't enough to deter attackers, the surface underneath the film is covered in tiny nanite-plasma explosives. Any attempt at forced entry past the film would produce enough explosive power to level a small town.

Self-regulating Machine Gears

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionThese complex set of gears are used by the Central Archive Cerebrum to operate its intricate machinery.

Senatorial Silver Star

Mass0.10 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionTraditionally, the Senatorial Silver Star was awarded only to those who passed a special vote of the entire Senate. In recent decades, however, a special committee was formed to award it to any capsuleer who toiled to spread and encourage the ideals of the Gallente Federation.

“Never falter in your ideals.” - Senator Fronte Belliare

Serenity 618 Event Crate

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis crate is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Serenity Anniversary Crate

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis crate is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Serenity Anniversary SKIN Box

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis crate is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Serenity Autumn Event Crate

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis crate is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Serenity Autumn Zakura Shumyu SKIN Crate

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis crate is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate L

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis crate is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate S/M

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis crate is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Serenity Festival Copper Crate

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionMystery reward awaits.

Serenity Festival Gold Crate

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionMystery reward awaits.

Serenity Festival Silver Crate

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionMystery reward awaits.

Serenity Imp/Whiptail Crate

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis crate is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Serenity July Season Reward Crate

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis crate is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Serenity Rookie DLI Day 1 Crate

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThis is for internal test only.