There are 41216 possible breeds in Pocket Frogs. A frog breed is composed of:
Below, you will find a list of all of the body colors, pattern colors, and pattern types in Pocket Frogs.
If you need a certain type of frog, visit the Request a Frog page.
Body Colors
The following table displays all of the possible body colors in Pocket Frogs. There are 23 different body colors. The Glass color is translucent. Visit the how to get Glass frogs page to find out how to obtain them.
Pattern Colors
Below is a table that displays the pattern colors that are possible in Pocket Frogs. There are 16 different pattern colors. The Chroma pattern is an animated color-changing color. Visit the how to get Chroma frogs page to find out how to obtain them.
Pattern Types
The table below shows an image of all of the frog patterns that can be found in Pocket Frogs. There are 112 different pattern types. For more details about the pattern types, including growth time, range of max values, and range of racing stats, visit the pattern types page.