How to Trade From Pokémon Blue to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

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This page explains how to trade from Pokémon Blue to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.

Virtual Console Only

If you have the Virtual Console version of Pokémon Blue, you can transfer pokémon from it to Pokémon Bank. You cannot transfer pokémon from the Game Boy cartridge version of Pokémon Blue to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.

What You Need

To send pokémon from Pokémon Blue to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, you need to download Pokémon Bank from the Nintendo 3DS eShop, then open Pokémon Bank and go to the main menu, then tap "Download Poké Transporter". If you downloaded Pokémon Alpha Sapphire from the eShop, be sure to download Pokémon Bank to the same 3DS that has the game on it.

In-Game Requirements

Before you can trade from Pokémon Blue to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire:

  • In Pokémon Blue, you need to get the Pokédex from Professor Oak in Pallet Town.
  • In Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, you need to have the Pokédex.

How to Trade

This is a ONE-WAY TRANSFER! Pokémon sent from Pokémon Blue to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire cannot be sent back to Pokémon Blue!

Make sure that your Nintendo 3DS has wireless turned on and can connect to the Internet.

Get your Pokémon Ready to Transfer

If your copy of Pokémon Blue is on a cartridge, put the cartridge into your Nintendo 3DS. Open the game, choose the pokémon that you want to transfer, then move them to Box 1 in your PC Box. If there are any pokémon in PC Box 1 that you do not want to transfer, move them to a different box in your PC Box. Save the game, then go back to the 3DS home screen.

Use Pokémon Bank

If you already have Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter, you can proceed with the trade. If you downloaded it in the past, you can redownload it from the eShop Settings menu if needed. It is no longer possible to get Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter from the 3DS shop, so if you have not downloaded it in the past, it will not be possible for you to transfer your pokémon from Pokémon Blue to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.

If this is the first time that you have used Pokémon Bank, Brigette will introduce herself. She explains that you can't store held items in the Pokémon Bank, so they will be sent back to the Bag if you store pokémon in the Bank. But if the Bag is full, the item will disappear.

Use Poké Transporter

If you already have Pokémon Transporter, you can proceed with the trade. If you downloaded it in the past, you may be able to redownload it from within Pokémon Bank if needed. It is no longer possible to get Pokémon Transporter, so if you have not downloaded it in the past, it will not be possible for you to transfer your pokémon from Pokémon Blue to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.

Go to the home screen and open Poké Transporter. If this is the first time that you have used it, it will explain that if the pokémon in Pokémon Blue are holding any items, those items will go back to your bag in Pokémon Blue.

After you have read all the messages, you will see the pokémon in Box 1 of your Pokémon Blue game. If you want to transfer ALL the pokémon from your PC Box 1 in Pokémon Blue to the Pokémon Bank, choose Yes. If there are some pokémon that you do not want to transfer, you will need to open Pokémon Blue and move those pokémon from PC Box 1 to a different PC Box, then repeat this step.

Transfer Pokémon from Pokémon Bank to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire

Go to the home screen and close Poké Transporter. If your copy of Pokémon Alpha Sapphire is on a cartridge, remove your copy of Pokémon Blue from the Nintendo 3DS cartridge slot and put your copy of Pokémon Alpha Sapphire into the Nintendo 3DS cartridge slot.

Open Pokémon Bank. If you are prompted for your password, enter it and sign in. Choose "Use Pokémon Bank" in the Pokémon Bank menu. Use the cursor to choose Pokémon Alpha Sapphire in the top screen, then choose "Use this game".

If a message says that your Pokémon Link is full, you will be asked if you still want to use Pokémon Bank. You won't lose your gifts if you say Yes. You can get your gifts by opening Pokémon Alpha Sapphire and choosing Pokémon Link in the game select menu to receive your gifts from Pokémon Bank.

Back in Pokémon Bank, after you select Pokémon Alpha Sapphire and choose "Use this Game", use the control pad or circle pad (the stylus cannot be used in Pokémon Bank) to move the cursor to the first bank in the top screen. Press left to go to the Transport Box. Then use the cursor to move the pokémon from the Transport Box to your PC Box in the touch screen. You can press START to switch between a red cursor, which shows you several options when you select a pokémon with it; a blue cursor, which picks up one pokémon at a time without showing any options; and a green cursor, which allows you to select multiple pokémon at a time.

When you are done moving your pokémon to Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, press the X button to save your changes and return to the title screen.