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Civilian Workers and Dependents

Mass11.00 kg
Volume12.00 m³
DescriptionCivilian workers and their dependents, including men, women, and children.

Classified Caldari Databank

Volume0.01 m³
Base Price1,000,000.00 ISK
DescriptionHeavily encrypted and partially fried by some kind of security failsafe installed over the standard firmware, this databank is clearly the property of the Caldari Navy, if the dire warnings of imprisonment and asset seizure issuing from the flickering holointerface are any indication. The device was recovered from the debris of a capsule apparently hijacked by a Guristas agent, and even considering the layers of encryption and massive data corruption, there's no doubt the Caldari Navy would like this item returned and will compensate anyone doing so. Of course, many empires and "independent" quasi-state actors have access to the kind of expertise that would be required to make anything of this burned and encrypted holostorage device. Perhaps somebody else might be interested in offering a "finder's fee" for the item.

Classified Report - Station Defenses

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionThese encoded reports may mean little to the untrained eye, but can prove valuable to the relevant institution.

Clearance Documents

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionThese documents clear the holder from numerous by-laws and responsibilities within the Caldari State and abroad. They are issued to capsuleers, who typically operate above the law and are accountable to few people. All this document does is formalize that reality, and as such, is entirely redundant and pointless. The hypercapitalist corporate state of the Caldari is awash with these sorts of documents, however, and the tendency towards needless bureaucracy is simply a part of corporate life.

Clearance Papers

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionThese clearance papers allow the bearer access to the cluster's most expert career training advisors.

Colossal Sealed Cargo Containers

Mass10,000.00 kg
Volume1,000.00 m³
Base Price100.00 ISK
DescriptionThese colossal containers are fitted with a password-protected security lock.

Communications Logs

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionA stack of encrypted communications logs. Valuable intelligence data in the right hands.

Complex Fullerene Shard

Mass10.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionFullerene is a molecule composed entirely of carbon. It is usually spherical in shape and can be harmful to living organisms. Basic Fullerene is used as superconductors and in the biotech industry. Complex Fullerene is an advanced version of basic fullerene that only the Jovians know how to produce. It is much harder than basic fullerene and is indestructible by all conventional methods used by the other races and thus useless in the current technological environment. The force involved in breaking it into shards must have been staggering.

Compressed Dense Polycrase

Mass4,000.00 kg
Volume0.00 m³
Base Price1,000.00 ISK
DescriptionThis dense variant of Polycrase ore is especially prized by engineers for use in large-scale construction projects. Recent advances in system-wide ore scanning technology has enabled the interested parties such as the Caldari State and Outer Ring Excavations to detect hidden asteroid clusters containing this ore. This material is compressed and a much more compact form of the original material. Polycrase requires extremely specialized equipment to reprocess and is therefore generally not useful for capsuleer industry, however rumors have suggested that Deathless Custodians corporation is willing to purchase this compressed ore in their Zarzakh stronghold.


Mass7,500.00 kg
Volume7,500.00 m³
DescriptionThe Mechanized Torso-Actuated Chassis (MTAC) is used throughout the New Eden cluster for all types of industrial and military work. The robotic arms can be configured in countless ways, from hydraulics for heavy lifting to enormous weapon-mounted battlefield applications.

Confiscated Vitoc

Mass800.00 kg
Volume0.50 m³
DescriptionThe Vitoc booster has become more than a simple strategy by the Amarrians in controlling their slaves. With the Vitoc method, slaves are injected with a toxic chemical substance that is fatal unless the recipient receives a constant supply of an antidote.

Consolidated Holdings Commander Access Key

Mass0.01 kg
Volume0.01 m³
DescriptionThis Commander key has the information needed to unlock the acceleration gate in the Checkpoint which it was found.

Construction Materials

Mass1,000,000.00 kg
Volume70.00 m³
Base Price500.00 ISK
DescriptionMetal girders, plasteel concrete and fiber blocks are all very common construction material used around the universe.

Corporations for the Rest of Us

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
Base Price3,328.00 ISK
DescriptionThis book appears similar in design to the educational manuals (skill books) popular among capsuleers. This book is a collection of half-hearted aphorisms and childish business-sense to a capsuleer, but then maybe it would be helpful to the plebes of the universe.

Correspondence Log KL-513

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.50 m³
Base Price100.00 ISK
DescriptionA collection of datacores, holoreels, dossiers, and assorted recordings logging the interactions between Kori Latamaki and the Caldari Navy. This information is vital in establishing a treason case against Kori for his dealings with the Navy, with which he has forsaken his brethren in the Guristas.

Corrupted Drone Components

Mass2.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
DescriptionThese components were gathered from obviously malfunctioning drones.

Corrupted Trinary Relics

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
DescriptionA varied collection of relics found close by the wreckage of Drifter ships seemingly destroyed in a fierce fight with parties unknown. These items appear to be trinary data repositories of many different designs, seemingly for use with different data systems and perhaps even of varied age. The relics are apparently corrupted and recovery drones located them in a stasis vault that was evidently hastily abandoned for some reason. Albeit these items are ancient technology and heavily corrupted they would perhaps be of interest to a collector. Possibly someone gathering enough of this kind of relic could even make something out of the data they contain.

Counterfeit Voluval Tattoo Chemicals

Mass20.00 kg
Volume20.00 m³
DescriptionA complex chemical formula for use in a traditional Minmatar ceremony. This batch is labeled with Amarr markings.

Covert Recording Device

Mass1.00 kg
Volume1.00 m³
Base Price58,624.00 ISK
DescriptionWhen planted in the mainframe of any structure, this device will record all communications, no matter how encrypted they may be.

Covert Research Tools

Mass1.00 kg
Volume0.10 m³
Base Price500,000.00 ISK
DescriptionThese tools seem to have been prepared for use in low-level experiments of a highly cryptic nature. What exactly will be done with them is an open question, but they appear to be intended for some manner of data gathering under adverse and possibly explosive conditions...

CPF.HYA LogInt Facility POI-26: Data Cache

Mass10.00 kg
Volume3.00 m³
DescriptionFound amongst the rubble of the Hyasyoda Logistics Center, this heavily encrypted data cache reveals very little. There is however, one dysfunctional and damaged data partition that can be easily read. Although much of the information is banal and uninteresting administrative jargon, there is one small report included that touches upon the Serpentis facility. Strangely enough, according to the official documentation here, the last time any Hyasyoda personnel visited the area was almost a year ago.

Crate of Aerogel Counteragent

Mass300.00 kg
Volume300.00 m³
DescriptionRefrigerated secure cargo containers containing aerogel infused with dormant prototype anti-nanites. These containers have been specially modified with the latest security encryption protocols, to better ensure that any Gallente saboteurs will be unable to access and tamper with this critical cargo.

Crate of Amarr Religious Holoreels

Mass100.00 kg
Volume100.00 m³
DescriptionThese holoreels contain a recent speech by a regional governor, which provides her views on the state of the Empire as well as other important religious discussions.

Crate of Amarr Scripture Educational Study Packages (Matari translation)

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionThese study materials provide a guide through the structure and meanings of Amarr holy texts in a way that school-age children can easily understand. Education, like every other aspect of daily life in the Empire, is closely tied into religion, and by the time they leave school, Amarr children are expected to have a working and in-depth understanding of their way of life.

These particular copies have been carefully translated by experts into painfully precise Matari for distribution in the Republic.

Crate of Amarr TIL-1A Nexus Chips

Mass10.00 kg
Volume120.00 m³
DescriptionThe Amarr TIL-1A Nexus Chip was once used to store the key elements of a ship's artificial intelligence system, as well as for controlling some of the vessel's autonomous functions. In addition, the TIL-1A series chip had been modified by top Viziam scientists for the Imperial Navy, making it far more resilient to damage and harsh environmental conditions than standard chips of its kind. The TIL-1A chip, specifically, was designed for front-line Amarr battleship-class vessels where it saw widespread use for almost a decade before being replaced by newer technologies. As a result, very few examples of this remain outside Amarr military historical archives, where they are often highly valued for the data they contain on early naval operations.

Crate of Archaeological Lot GV87-426-D Artifacts

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionThis looks like little more than half a starship modified into ground-based living quarters. Several panels are inscribed with decorative symbols. A series of large rectangular cases contain corroded circuit boards with rows of finger-sized crystalline vials anchored to one face; some of the vials are still intact and contain a foggy gaseous substance. A section from what appears to have been a hydroponics lab contains trays of organic matter, fossilised from exposure to the moon's arid conditions and thin, nitrogen-argon atmosphere.

Crate of Architectural-Quality Plagioclase Paneling

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionMinmatar architecture traditionally favors modular geometric structures and open spaces which allow breezes to flow from room to room. There is a traditional preference for working with exposed natural stone and wood, though recent trends have leaned towards natural surfaces bonded to structural reinforced concrete, stretching resources while still allowing for an attractive appearance. Compressed asteroid ore interior panels are becoming more popular for higher-class residences and for buildings constructed on mineral-poor worlds.

Crate of Blue Paradise

Mass500.00 kg
Volume500.00 m³
DescriptionBlue Paradise, also known as “Beep,” is a mild narcotic engineered by Amarr pharmaceutical scientists specifically for use by slave laborers within the Empire. Users of Blue Paradise report feelings of mild euphoria, contentment, relaxation, and generalize pleasure as the primary effects of this drug. These effects typically last between three to five hours, after which the user can be expected to fall into a sound sleep, if taken prior to that user's normal sleep cycle. Furthermore, there have been no significant side effects reported from repeat and prolonged use, making Blue Paradise an extremely promising “reward” for slave laborers. Recreational use of Blue Paradise has not yet been reported, given the limited nature of its distribution only to select Amarr slave labor operations, and no evidence yet exists of addiction to this drug, if administered in a controlled environment.

Crate of Bootleg Holoreels

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionThere doesn't appear to be any particular organization here. Dozens of identical copies of everything from period dramas to last week's boxing finals, in cases with obviously home-printed labels.

When played, the holos' quality is shabby and rimmed with static, occasionally deteriorating to basic 2-D images. The sound is unreliable and fades at times. Hopefully, the people who buy these copies aren't paying as much as the supplier did for the originals.

Crate of Contained Cerrocentite

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionA slick-looking, translucent amber mineral with a hexagonal crystalline structure. Its radioactive properties require the material to be stored in special containment units; handling by anyone other than a trained engineer is strongly discouraged.

Cerrocentite is used primarily in stationside security networks, mostly in the systems which detect unbalance in the atmosphere mix.

Crate of Cryo-Stored Luminaire Skippers

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionThese large, indigo-hued amphibians are commonly used in laboratory work. Each weighs roughly two kilograms, and in their natural environment in the marshlands of Gallente Prime are the dominant aquatic predator. To prevent the stresses of space travel from affecting the frogs' physiology, it is necessary to transport them in a cold-case which drops their body temperature and induces a state of hibernation.

Crate of Decoy Prototype Cloaking Devices

Mass500.00 kg
Volume500.00 m³
DescriptionThis decoy prototype cloaking device appears to be a working model; however, closer scrutiny reveals that it is nothing more than a useless hunk of metal and wires.

Crate of Environmentally-friendly Mining Equipment

Mass210.00 kg
Volume450.00 m³
DescriptionThe latest generation of environmentally-friendly mining drills reduces airborne pollutants by 75% when compared to the most popular drills on the market. This is accomplished through a revolutionary “dust recapture” system that essentially vacuums the air around the drill head. The collected dust is captured in large, on-site filtration systems which then compacts the dust into blocks. These blocks can either be refined along with the extracted ores, or simply placed back into the mine as backfill once drilling operations are complete. While more than five times as expensive as normal drills, the efficiency of these new models provides an entirely new level of environmental protection.

Crate of Exclusive Simo Reshar Fitness Holoreels

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionFitness guru Simo Reshar is iconic less for the effectiveness of his workout routines than for the questionable nature of the visuals and extremely cheesy rhythmic music. The covers depict the skinny workout instructor with his anthropomorphic cartoon assistants, dressed in worryingly skintight shiny outfits.

Though clearly intended for a younger audience, adults have professed to discover deeper philosophical meanings within the holos' content if watched whilst under the influence of certain substances. Reshar's assistants, particularly the feline Leeta and avian Yanis, have gained a cult following among certain fetish scenes across the cluster.

Crate of Experimental ECM Hybrid Rounds

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionThese modified tungsten hybrid rounds send out an ECM pulse through the hull of any ship they strike, momentarily baffling the ship's target-locking mechanisms and affording the formerly-targeted ship a few precious moments to gain an advantage or escape. Efforts are being made to develop this into purely friend-or-foe munitions, effectively counteracting the effects of enemy ECM, but adaptation of the missile-based tracking technology to hybrid shell systems has proven difficult.

Crate of Feille d'Marnne Champagne

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionThis champagne originates from Egghelende III, the planet's major product for export. Shipping it out of the pirate-heavy system makes it pricey enough, but the grapes have proven impossible to cultivate anywhere else in the Federation.

Each case is worth a couple hundred thousand ISK. Each bottle would bring enough planetary cred for a civilian to live comfortably for a year or ten. A bottle or three would definitely be missed.

Crate of Harvester Components

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionAgricultural technology, like everything else, is constantly advancing, with developments in irrigation techniques and automated systems to do the work of several farm-hands at a fraction of the overall cost. Most parts are produced on stations rather than planetside in order to reduce the cost of shipping. It also makes disposing of the more hazardous byproducts much safer, reducing the risk of planetary pollution.

Crate of Industrial-Grade Tritanium-Alloy Scraps

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionNot all scrap-metal is of good enough quality to be reused in the shipbuilding industry. These are the highest quality to be found in the scrap-heaps and abandoned battlegrounds of New Eden. Some pieces still bear signs of what they were once a part of: a sheet of tinted plating here, a painted logo there. Some pieces are still recognizable, others are half-slagged and warped.

Crate of Manportable Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons

Mass250.00 kg
Volume250.00 m³
DescriptionThese EM beam weapons have been custom fitted to detect and eradicate specific nanotechnologies. Normally, these EMP devices are used by special operations personnel during covert operations. They are placed in proximity to the enemy's defense grid and used to “short out” any nearby electronics, thus creating a hole in the defense grid such that conventional forces can then move through unimpeded by sentry grids, security bots, and other lethal defensive systems. The devices themselves are approximately the size of a large rucksack and can be both emplaced and operated by a single trained individual.

Crate of Portable Emergency Heating Units

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionThese heating units are compact, and light enough to carry in one hand. Each comes with two 10-hour rechargeable batteries, to be used one at a time while the spare charges. The amount of energy one unit puts off would be enough to warm a space of 20 cubic meters, roughly the interior space of a stationside apartment's main room, to an average of 10 degrees Celsius. Not particularly cosy, but better than freezing.

Crate of Prototype Body Armor Fabric

Mass5,000.00 kg
Volume2,000.00 m³
DescriptionThis energy and force-absorbing fabric could represent a generational advancement in light body armor technology. What makes this remarkable fabric unique is that it contains microscopically thin layers of an advanced polymer containing nanites programmed for self-repair. In short, when a suit of body armor made form this material is impacted by any significant force, the nanites instantly begin to repair any damage done, which protects the wearer from further harm. Most importantly, during the manufacturing phase, if the fabric is properly pre-stressed, the nanites are forced to bond thus creating stronger and stronger material, without any increase in weight or decrease in flexibility. For these reasons, this prototype body armor fabric will undoubtedly become the most sought-after material for those groups able to afford its exorbitant price.

Crate of Refined C-86 Epoxy Resin

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionThis substance, an improved version of the C-86 epoxy applied to propulsion systems and engine housings, helps to keep the systems' temperature down, enabling more efficient operation and reduced risk of shipboard fires from overheated systems.

Crate of Refurbished Mining Drones

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionThere are hints of rusty and damaged surfaces beneath the shiny new paint-job. These may not work as efficiently as the client wishes.

Crate of Special Forces Weapons and Equipment

Mass250.00 kg
Volume250.00 m³
DescriptionThe weapons and equipment containers hold a wide variety of small arms and other equipment currently in use by the Caldari Navy Special Forces, much of it designed specifically for use in maritime environments. Some of the items that can be found in a typical container are long range sniper rifles, target designation lasers, silenced pistols, high tech diving equipment, limpet mines, covert communications gear, and individual diver propulsion devices. This equipment, as you might guess, is extremely valuable and cannot be found outside the armories of the Caldari Navy, with the exception of the very small quantities that have found their way onto the black market.

Crate of Target Painter Deflection Plating

Mass10.00 kg
Volume10.00 m³
DescriptionThese hull plates are coated with a layer of crystalline structures under a protective transparent enamel. The crystalline layer shimmers reflectively and creates mirage halos around the plate when spot lights are directed at it.